A fighter by his trade ao3 steven

Understand why psychics might find him appealing? Its actually funny that Vimesenthusiat writes Harry about the same way in 'Third Path', minus the stick.

And Harry helps Jean to build her mental walls which also helps in the romance. But I will say, the author doesn't sells the Jean romance when you compare it to the effort he put in with Ororo.

Emma was more just "Rich and powerful, I want! Yes, Scott Summers is so much better then Harry Potter in the boyfriend department No, he's about the same. On the other hand, it's not like either of those women is limited to a choice between Scott and Harry. There are much better partners for them in either universe.

This is one I loved since the first time I read it back in I'm a few chapters in. Though bit of tone whiplash jumping from ancient Greece to modern Tokyo Holy flurking shnit, Sleeping With The Girls https: Never thought I'd see the day.

If you haven't read it, SWTG is an examination of what happens to a normal human who teleports into the beds of fictional characters when he falls asleep, or unconscious.

Start with the first volume https: Every once in a while you see a piece that picked out a coffin for a nice long nap spring back to life. SWTG is pretty good, but requires a certain amount of tolerance for watching somebody slowly go insane from stress. Yes, more self-insert Naruto fic. I can't help it, this one has science: What Doesn't Kill You https: Those have started to get good. A few recommendations of my favorites: Enterprise, chapters, completed.

Basically, Trip Tucker and T'Pol get stranded on a certain planet a century before a crazy Federation guy a fighter by his trade ao3 steven the planet into Nazi Germany. The crew thinks they're dead. They have little to no chance of finding a way to go home. And they're starting to discover that they have a As Moonlight Unto Sunlight https: A Buffy fanfic in three complete chapters that's got a bit of a twist.

Buffy, Xander, Dawn, the Winchesters. A shopping mall, and the end of the world by zombies. A fighter by his trade ao3 steven Engine, Infernal Thunder https: Something went widely astray during the Glory storyline, and instead of Buffy dying by swan dive, the whole gang, the Angel Investigations gang and Spike included, are transported to Creation which a fighter by his trade ao3 steven be the past or future of their own setting.

Buffy is, in fact, a Slayer as in Infernal Exalted and struggles with her literal inner demon, and due to being heroic mortals who do the impossible every Tuesday the lot of them, Exaltations start popping up among both the groups. I'd reveal more but that'd spoil stuff. It also got more or less kicked off the first fanfic archive it was posted on due to not being very flattering about the president and vice president during that time period GW Bush and Dick Cheneythough I amusingly think the writer exaggerated Bush's intelligence.

But since the archive he first posted on had a very staunchly Bush-worshiping admin What the Cat Dragged In https: Apparently, no one's told these two. He's okay with that. A very nice crossover that does what so many crossovers fail to do-- keep both sides in line with thier source material without overwhelming either side.

It alos is a great example of how to, without breaking setting, explain why one gorup which should be radically more powerful, cannot actually use that power without bad things happening.

But yeah, it's great, and surprisingly sympathetic to Tony, as very very few fanfictions really get. Which is the more radically powerful group?

The Avengers are pretty powerful, but on the other hand kids cartoon characters are often casually reality breaking. In this case the collected avengers would be a fighter by his trade ao3 steven powerful but The Akuma's scthick is that they prey on anger, insecurity, etc to snare the created villains that are used by the big bad. Natasha explicitly mentions that "yeah, Paris probably isn't a good place for Bruce" for that specific reason. And now I'm curious what an akumatised Hulk would be like.

Can he even be akumatised at all? Pulverizer, I am Hawk-- H: Me am Hulk, not Pulverizer. Hawk-man no talk to Hulk like that! Hulk smash puny Hawk-man! Ah, but I can grant you-- H: Hulk say shut up! Hulk no want to hear Hawk-man in Hulk's head! Hulk crush puny Hawk-man! You get a bloody a fighter by his trade ao3 steven story. Sleeping With The Girls clambers out of its grave with another update https: Interesting times are ahead for him. Who is The Great Oni? And What the Cat Dragged in updated.

If you are horrified by cliffhangers, don't worry, the danger passed. D Edit for further fun. Short funny omakes from Bloodborne: Because funny and Bloodborne go together like, um, wait I also reccomend the GrimGrimoire fanfics from the same guy. Mostly Life in a Bottle https: And those are all complete stories. In fact, even if you don't want to read any of that, I'd still reccomend taking a look at the author page, because almost everything in that page is complete, an omake collection, or updating regularly.

Just looking at it fills me with a sense of peace. It seemed like it was taking a dirt nap, but Starry Eyes https: A fighter by his trade ao3 steven the heartwarming story of a bullied girl who gains some unusual friends. Christine Everhart pieces together things. Set after first movie, diverges. My Naruto SI train has no brakes! It's even made me laugh a couple of times. Just read through this whole thread, got a few great leads. Read quite a few posts that I'm pretty sure were in English, but which a fighter by his trade ao3 steven not a lick of damned sense.

But hey, it's always neat to see what's out there that other people find interesting. Definitely second this one. A lot of Bastard Snow's stuff is great, and it's all well worth a look. Two more I'll specifically rec: Three Coffees and a Destiny to Go https: The first in a series of crossovers with a variety of shows and movies.

They're all mostly light fun with some seriousness thrown in, and it's especially funny to see Willow deal with multiple doppelgangers. They range from just plain hilarious to very serious and even sweet. There's some Willow- and Buffy-bashing, to point out something warned against much earlier in this thread, but to me at least it was always obvious that everything was a fighter by his trade ao3 steven from Xander's definitely biased point a fighter by his trade ao3 steven view, and it all gets addressed as the series goes on.

A series that begins right after the finale and follows the gang to Cleveland. Xander-centric, but also a lot of Faith as they get closer to each other. I Am What I Am http: Yet Another Halloween Story, in which Xander dresses up as himself and essentially lives his future life only to shoot back to Sunnydale with all those memories and knowledge. So it's basically a do-over story that uses Halloween as a starter. It's more than a bit over the top, and has been accused of turning Xander into a Mary Sue, but I think that's unfair because while Xander is the main character and he does achieve a hell of a lot, he really has to work for it.

And it's just so well written. It alternates between chapters set in the now-AU regular Buffy timeline and chapters set in the future that only Xander lived, and some of the latter had me crying like a baby. A manly baby, of course.

When the end credits rolled I was trembling with excitement. I stayed up most of the night consuming every thinkpiece, review, and speculative discussion I could find. The Star Wars fandom had roused from its slumber and was now infused by prodigal geeks like me and a host of squealing, passionate newcomers. And oh, what a magnificent fandom it has become. Then came Mad Max: Fury Road and I was done. I decided if entertainment refuses to include people like me then I refuse to waste my money on it.

Why slog through dudebros in Antman when I could watch Black nerds in Dope? When I sat down to Star Wars: The Force AwakensI arrived with my disappointment all ready to go. Beyond that, the original trilogy had long since lost its luster for me. I grew up watching VHS tapes of the original trilogy, but the older I got the less appeal they held.

So with all that floating around in my head, imagine my utter shock and amazement when I found TFA completely engrossing. TFA is a wildly imperfect piece of entertainment. The glaring plotholes and copy-pasted story arc from A New Hope hurt the overall story. Diversity achievements were unlocked but only in the least controversial means possible.

Although there are multiple Asian actors nearly all malebarring one quick a fighter by his trade ao3 steven about Han Solo between two Kanjiklub dudes, none of them talk to each other. Or more accurately, the pros of the movie itself far outweigh the cons of social context.

Where TFA planted the love, what made it grow and blossom was the fandom. I, like many early reviewers, got lost in the weeds of all those aforementioned obstacles.

The sheer number of cons would for any other movie make them major problems, but the longer I spent getting to know this new expanded universe the more those flashing red lights became negligible nitpicks. Being a fan in the 21st century is pretty kriffing awesome. In a way, being a fan of TFA is participating in two different yet parallel fandoms. And as fans of the characters in TFA we revel in the glory of unbridled imagination.

Instead of having to settle with whatever nonsense Lucas decrees, we take his inspiration and run with it. It was thrilling watching the A fighter by his trade ao3 steven fandom emerge as fic writers coalesced around collectively created fanon character studies hinted at in the film but left unexplored—Poe being a player who values consent and respect, Finn as a dorky probable virgin desperate not to make a mistake, Rey being blunt and lacking in social cues but yearning for affection and friendship, Hux with a Starkiller-sized bout of emotional constipation, Kylo and his groan-inducing temper tantrums and deadly daddy issues.

Rather, fandom exists to enhance the experience. TFA reminded me of my forgotten love of A fighter by his trade ao3 steven Warsand fandom turned it into a full-fledged addiction. The characters make or break a movie or TV show for me, and the newbies are hands down the best thing to come out of TFA. Swoon-worthy Poe shares the dedicated drive, carefree humor, and fabulous hair of Leia but without being forced into a gold bikini.

If Luke can do it without complaints from the peanut gallery then so can Rey. More importantly, as much as I needed to see Rey, Finn, Poe, et. There is now a whole generation of young people who are growing up in a world where Captain America and Spider-Man are Black, Ms. Marvel is a Pakistani teenage girl, and Captain Marvel a woman. Hamilton puts women and PoC back into history. YA haven The CW imbues all of its media with diversity and feminism. Now one of the a fighter by his trade ao3 steven cultural touchstones in American entertainment finally puts us minorities at the forefront.

All those diversity issues I mentioned earlier? They pale in comparison to the fact that the three main protagonists are a woman and two men of color and that the script is marvellously feminist in subtle yet powerful ways, all while being one of the biggest moneymakers in cinematic history.

That means something, especially to those of us not male or white. Anyway, look The Force Awakens is great yo. We a fighter by his trade ao3 steven know it. Force-almighty it is just a blast. Alex Brown is an archivist, research librarian, writer, geeknerdloserweirdo, and all-around pop culture obsessive who watches entirely too much TV. Keep up with her every move on Twitter and Instagramor get lost in the rabbit warren of ships and fandoms a fighter by his trade ao3 steven her Tumblr.

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