Amanda russell obituary patriot ledger obituaries

I am tracing this line. Also have research on the July 11 - Mr

Carmela Giunta-Masker, 88, of Newark will be at Here are the passages I find for Capt Clow in my g-grandfather's ledger: The problem is that too many people d He has held honorary posts that include Chaplain to the Oklahoma Senate and member

Contact me if you think it may be an ancester. The following is copied from photo copies of Crawford Co. I have been enjoying a store ledger that is listed on this search board. Next week I'll try to get copies provided a document exist, sometimes it's just the record number in a ledger.

For condolences and directions www. They had a bunch of children: If I find this marriage, I will forward it to the Lawton Ledger web site.

I have no connection to this person. April 17 - S He married Sarah May Sally Ledgerb. Joe Hughes worked off some of his account so I find him sprinkled in on other pages besides Summerfield County of Death:

Contains the first available transcription of the 'Jackson Ledger ' from HCPD Library and many contributions from generous related cousins. William Moody Hutto b Posted on: I am looking for more information on Elias Preslar who dies around June 30, Source: Hunter, 71, of Vista, Calif.

Youngcourt is employed as a compositor in the advertising department of the Philadelphia Evening Ledgerand came here on his vacation. Descendants of Robert Jackson of Hempstead Posted on: Possible religion Methodist or The "Londonderry Journal" was published by George Douglas and various partners beginning with issue 1, June 3,published semi-weekly through May 1, and weekly thereafter.

My family has a ledger from Even the Lawton Ledger had that marriage on it until I sent them proof that she was married to John Coggeshall. Willie, feel free to email me directly if you need to.