Android robot icon pack

This font software is the android robot icon pack of Monotype Imaging Inc. You have obtained this font software either directly from Monotype or together with software distributed by one of the licensees of Monotype. This software is a valuable asset of Android robot icon pack. Unless you have entered into a specific license agreement granting you additional rights, your use of this software is limited by the terms of the actual license agreement you have entered into with Monotype.

You may not copy or distribute this software. If you have any questions concerning your rights you should review the license agreement you received with the software. Android robot icon pack can learn more about Monotype here: Patent and Trademark Office and may be registered in certain other jurisdictions. Tyfa is a trademark of International Typeface Corporation and may be registered in.

You have obtained this typeface software either directly from ITC or together with software distributed by one of the licencees of ITC.

This software is a valuable asset of ITC. Unless you have entered into a specific license agreement granting you additional rights, your use of this software is limited to use on up to five 5 workstation for your own publishing use. If you have any questions concerning your rights you android robot icon pack review the license agreement you received with the software or contact ITC for a copy of the license agreement.

To view a copy of this license, visit http: Copyright c by Prachid Tinnabutr: Free for personal and educational use only,This font was created by Assistant Professor Prachid Tinnabutr,Contact prachid prachid. Active Images Font License AgreementPlease read this license agreement carefully before youinstall your fonts. If you donot accept the terms and conditions of this license, android robot icon pack notinstall the fonts in question. Wegrant you, and you accept, a non-exclusive license to usethe electronically transferred fonts, but you are not theowner of them.

Your right to use the fonts under thislicense agreement is called the license. By fonts, we referto the electronically transferred fonts and any embodimentor use that you make of the fonts in any form.

Additional licenses are available on a ratioof 5 CPUs to 1 output device. Call us if you are not clearon whether you require additional licenses.

Any otherduplication or android robot icon pack by any other person or entity constitutessoftware piracy, a criminal offense. Active Images warrants the magnetic media to be free fromphysical defects for 90 days, after purchase. Active Imageswill replace the disk free of charge should it fail withinthis time. These fonts are sold for use only on the computerplatform indicated on the packaging.

Use of these fonts onany platform other than that for which it was originallyintended is not recommended and invalidates any warranty.

Active Images reserves the right to terminate this Licenseat any time and void your license if you fail to comply withthe terms and conditions of this License.

If you have any questions about the License Agreement, ourreturn policy, security and on-line ordering, or anythingelse, please feel free to contact us atorders comicbookfonts. Vigilante Typeface Corporation, Spread like the Plague! Copyright Hans van Maanen. Published by Canada Type. Wilke Kursiv is a trademark of Android robot icon pack Type. Published by Garagefonts USA www. Under the terms of this License Agreement, you have the right to use the software on up to five 5 CPUs.

If you need to have access to the Software on more than five 5 CPUs, you must pay Android robot icon pack the applicable fees for typefaces used in a multi-system environment. You acknowledge that licensing fees for the Macintosh and PC formats are separate and individual fees. Fonts can be embedded in files such as Adobe Acrobat PDF files for viewing and printing purposes only.

No android robot icon pack are granted to you other than a License to use the Software on the terms expressly set forth in this Agreement. You agree to maintain the Software and other proprietary information in strict confidence and to establish reasonable procedures regulating access to and use of the Software.

You will not make or have made, or permit to have made any copies of the Software or portions thereof, except as necessary provided, however, that you may make one copy for back-up purposes for its use with the authorized number of android robot icon pack hereunder. You agree that any such copies shall contain the same proprietary notices which appear in the Software. Except as stated above, this Agreement does not grant you any android robot icon pack to patents, copyrights, trade secrets, trade names, trademarks whether registered or unregisteredor any other rights, franchises or licenses in respect of the Software.

You agree that you will not modify, alter, disassemble, decrypt, reverse android robot icon pack or decompile the Software. This License shall continue until the last use of the Software, unless sooner terminated. This License may be terminated by Phil's if you android robot icon pack to comply with the terms of this License and such failure is not remedied within thirty 30 days after notice from Phil's.

When this License expires or is terminated, you shall either return to Phil's or destroy all copies of the Software as requested. You agree that you will not export or re-export the Software in any form without the appropriate United States and foreign government licenses. The parties agree that all warranties, express or android robot icon pack, including warranties of fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability and noninfringement are excluded.

Your sole and exclusive remedy and the sole liability of Phil's in connection with the Software is repair or replacement android robot icon pack defective parts, upon their return to Phil's. In no event will Phil's be liable for android robot icon pack profits, lost data or any other incidental, or consequential damages, or any damages caused by abuse or misapplication of the Software.

You shall not sublicense, sell, lease or otherwise transfer the Software without the prior written consent of Phil's. Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph c 1 ii of the rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at Maryland, USA law governs this agreement.

You acknowledge that you have read this agreement, understand it, and agree to be bound by its terms and conditions. Neither party shall be bound by any statement or representation not contained in this agreement. No change in this agreement is effective unless written and signed by properly authorized representatives of each party. By opening this package or downloading these font files from the internet you agree to accept the terms of this agreement.

Call Phil's Fonts if you need to purchase additional licensing. In USA and Canada callall others call Licenses for additional CPUs must be purchased.

Individual sites, persons or business entities must purchase individual licenses beginning with the original price. The following android robot icon pack cost schedule is calculated based on multiples of the original list price of each font or family: In increments of Copyright c by dcoxy Medina Gregory.

You need my agreement for every diffusions, reproduction and commercial use. Thank you to contact me before: Take a look on the readme files for details. Free for personal use.

If you want an authorization for commercial use, media use or reproduction use contact me before, thank you, enjoy. Gratuit pour un usage personnel si vous voulez une autorisation pour un usage commercial, une utilisation mdiatique ou pour reproduction, contactez moi avant, merci.

The Font-Software and any updates upgrades, android robot icon pack or modified versions are the intellectual property of Jeremy Dooley.

DooleyType You are licensed to use the software on one computer, unless additional licenses are purchased or a multi-license agreement is reached. You are only allowed to transfer or assign the Font-Software to a third party if you do not retain any copies of the Font-Software in whole or in part.

Only for the purpose of outputting particular files may you take a copy of the font s you have used for such files to a commercial printer or other service bureau.

Embedding of the Font-Software into electronic documents or internet pages is only permitted in a secured read-only mode. Licensee must ensure that recipients of electronic documents or internet pages cannot extract the font software from such documents or use the embedded font software for editing purposes or for the creation of new documents.

DooleyType is not responsible for any problems that may arise from the use of the fonts, such as computer malfunctions, etc. DooleyType is additionally not android robot icon pack for idle time, shortfall of production, waste of material and any other direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages that are caused by our Font-Software.

In the event of a problem that the font file s does not work, DooleyType android robot icon pack only provide a replacement for the font s you ordered. You agree to inform your employees android robot icon pack any other person having access to the Font-Software and copies thereof, of the terms and conditions of this Android robot icon pack License Agreement and to ensure that they shall strictly abide by these terms android robot icon pack conditions.

See attached license agreement. If agreement is missing visit typodermicfonts. Copyright cNick Curtis. Android robot icon pack under non-exclusive license by Free Fonts. By using or installing this font data, you or you on behalf of your employer agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the complete agreement between you and Nick's Fonts. Copyright c by ShyFoundry. Freeware for personal use only. To purchase a commercial license, please visit our site at http: Part of the digitally encoded machine readable outline data for producing the Typefaces provided is copyrighted - Linotype GmbH, www.

This software is android robot icon pack property of Linotype GmbH, and may not be reproduced, modified, disclosed or transferred without the express written approval of Linotype GmbH. Copyright Adobe Systems Incorporated. There were already many gothics in America in the early s, but Benton was probably influenced by the popular German grotesks: Basic Commercial and Reform from D.

Early types without serifs were known by the misnomer gothic in America grotesque in Britain and grotesk in Germany. Franklin Gothic may have been named for Benjamin Franklin, though the design has no historical relationship to that famous early American printer and statesman.

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