Bitcoin cash vs bitcoin fees

So Bitcoin forked into two different currencies, each sharing a common transaction history from before the fork. Last updated on March 13, But the tradeoff is time:

Bitcoin Cash will tend to have lower fees when both networks are loaded with transactions, but Bitcoin Cash also doesn't have as much community acceptance, so there are fewer wallets and exchanges supporting bitcoin cash vs bitcoin fees compared to Bitcoin. But the tradeoff is time: Last updated on March 13, What is the difference between 'Bitcoin' and 'Bitcoin Cash'?

Two opposing parties existed - One group was composed mainly of bitcoin cash vs bitcoin fees large group of Bitcoin miners, and the other was made up of the majority of the Bitcoin user community, and Bitcoin's core developers. Bitcoin is as different from Bitcoin Cash as Litecoin is from Dogecoin. These two groups disagreed on how Bitcoin should scale its protocol.

Last updated on March 13, In August,the Bitcoin Blockchain endured an event called a 'hard fork'. These two groups disagreed on how Bitcoin should scale its protocol.

These two groups disagreed on how Bitcoin should scale its protocol. These two groups disagreed on how Bitcoin should scale its protocol. In this case, however, there were several opposing groups bitcoin cash vs bitcoin fees on how to proceed with the development of Bitcoin. Two opposing parties existed - One group was composed mainly of a large group of Bitcoin miners, and the other was made up of the majority of the Bitcoin user community, and Bitcoin's core developers. Bitcoin Cash is the chain supported by the miners who wanted larger bitcoin cash vs bitcoin fees, and the regular Bitcoin chain is the one supported by the core developers.

In technological vernacular, this term is usually used to refer to an upgrade or change in protocol. Two opposing parties existed - One group was composed mainly of a large group of Bitcoin miners, and the other was made up of the majority of the Bitcoin user community, and Bitcoin cash vs bitcoin fees core developers. Bitcoin Cash is the chain supported by the miners who wanted larger blocks, and the regular Bitcoin chain is the one supported by the core developers.

Last updated on March 13, The miners wanted Bitcoin to use bigger blocks, to allow more data transactions to fit into each block that is mined. Bitcoin bitcoin cash vs bitcoin fees as different from Bitcoin Cash as Litecoin is from Dogecoin. What is the difference between 'Bitcoin' and 'Bitcoin Cash'?

If this sounds like you, please contact our support team so we can address your specific situation and try to help you get your funds back: For the practical intents and bitcoin cash vs bitcoin fees of most users, there is very little difference. So Bitcoin forked into two different currencies, each sharing a common transaction history from before the fork. In technological vernacular, this term is usually used to refer to an upgrade or change in protocol.