Bitcoin hashrate charts

There are lots of bitcoin hashrate charts and articles on what Bitcoin difficulty is, and lots of charts on how it has changed over the past couple of years. But this isn't really helpful if you're thinking about investing in cloud mining, or maybe even buying your own mining rig.

We focus on key factors that may affect Bitcoin's difficulty in this guide. If you're looking for how profitable ASIC miners are insee this guide.

So let's start by looking at how Bitcoin difficulty has changed every 4 months for the past 3 years:. Sep - As of 19th Decembermany difficulty charts, including the one above, seem to be displaying outdated data. We've posted a video explaining the cause of this here. Looking at the Blockchain chart bitcoin hashrate charts for the past 2 years, it definitely looks exponential; e.

Bitcoin hashrate charts the figures bitcoin hashrate charts the past 3 years don't do that, they vary significantly. In it took around 11 months for the difficulty to double, in early around 6 months, in late around 8 months and then in between months.

Rather than doubling at a consistent interval, it seems to vary based on factors like available hardware and public interest. What we're suggesting is that the rate Bitcoin difficulty bitcoin hashrate charts increasing is not fixed, and can be anticipated. Right now, in DecemberBitcoin is very popular, with thousands of new investors and miners every day - so significant difficulty increases are to be expected.

Many new people are interested in bitcoin mining, allowing hardware manufacturers to sell miners in larger quantities, causing more total hashpower to bitcoin hashrate charts available - driving Bitcoin difficulty up.

The key relationship here is that the amount of new hardware becoming available is strongly linked to the demand for it. A risk is that if the people making these miners produce too many, the difficulty will rise so fast that Bitcoin mining profitability goes down massively. This occurred for Dash when the Antminer D3 came out. There bitcoin hashrate charts also scenarios that can cause Bitcoin's difficulty to decrease.

August is a good example of bitcoin hashrate charts, where a lot of bitcoin hashrate charts moved their hashpower to mine Bitcoin Cash as it was more profitable at the time. This decreased hashpower bitcoin hashrate charts Bitcoin, causing Bitcoin's difficulty to decrease for 2 weeks. If you stay up-to-date with these bitcoin hashrate charts of scenarios and mine the more profitable coins Bitcoin Cash in this scenarioyou can get extra coins for 2 weeks and sell them immediately for a great return on investment or just HODL them!

Another argument suggesting Bitcoin mining will remain profitable long-term is to look at it from the perspective of large mining operations. If you were a miner running a large setup, and Bitcoin mining was to no longer be profitable, then you'd likely start mining something else that was.

If there were no profitable coins for a long period of time, you'd likely have very high operating costs and be forced to shut down your operation eventually. For a smaller miner running just a few Antminers or some cloud mining, this would be less of an issue.

So in theory as long as Bitcoin stays popular and its price continues to increase, if you can get cheap electricity Bitcoin mining should always stay profitable.

This last argument in particular is very speculative, so be aware that for a worst-case scenario if Bitcoin's price was to fall for a long-period of time, bitcoin hashrate charts if you had cheap electricity, there's a risk that mining it would no longer be profitable. In Junethe reward for Bitcoin mining will half. This could cause big issues in the long-term as it essentially makes it half as profitable overnight. So if miners are only making a small profit prior to this, they'll then be running at a loss just after it.

At this point open-ended contracts on sites like Genesis Mining will likely no longer be profitable although they might not even last that long. This site cannot substitute for professional investment or financial advice, or independent factual verification.

This guide is provided for general informational purposes only. The group of individuals writing these guides are cryptocurrency enthusiasts and investors, not financial advisors.

Trading or mining any form of cryptocurrency is very high risk, so never invest money you can't afford to lose - you should bitcoin hashrate charts prepared to sustain a total loss of all invested money.

This website is monetised through affiliate links. Where used, we will disclose this and make no attempt to hide bitcoin hashrate charts. We don't endorse any affiliate services we use - and will not be liable for any damage, expense or other loss you may suffer from using any of these. Don't rush into anything, do your own research. As we write new content, we will update this disclaimer to encompass it.

We first discovered Bitcoin in late bitcoin hashrate charts, and wanted to get everyone around us involved. But no one seemed to know what it was! We made this website to try and fix this, to get everyone up-to-speed! Click here for more information on these. All information on this website is for general informational purposes only, it is not intended to provide legal or financial advice.

Expected Bitcoin Difficulty in Sep 19th, Updated Jan 26th, Mining There are lots of videos and articles bitcoin hashrate charts what Bitcoin difficulty is, and lots bitcoin hashrate charts charts on how it has changed over the past couple of years.

This guide has our thoughts on what will affect Bitcoin difficulty over So let's start by looking at how Bitcoin difficulty has changed every 4 months for the past 3 years: Rate of Bitcoin difficulty increase Looking at the Blockchain chart above for the past 2 years, it definitely looks exponential; e.

Bitcoin hashrate charts 5th, What is the Antminer Z9 Mini? Written by the Anything Crypto team We first discovered Bitcoin hashrate charts in lateand wanted to get everyone around us involved.

Never invest money you can't afford to lose.

Bitcoin difficulty and hash rate statistics should be considered an illness. The symptoms include anxiety, depression, sleeplessness and paranoia. Bitcoin miners follow their every movement, rejoicing at smaller-than-expected difficulty changes and collectively dismaying when things go the other way. Authoritative-looking charts have bitcoin hashrate charts puzzling about why things are so erratic and chasing non-existent mining conspiracies.

The truth is out there When we start to think about mining, difficulty charts are not far away. Most of them are presented something like this:.

This chart shows the last 6 months of daily hash rates and the rising difficulty. It also shows a baseline trend line but we'll look at that a little later. Bitcoin hashrate charts from that inexorable increase in difficulty and the cries of woe from miners watching it, the most striking characteristic is that way it's getting progressively much more "spiky"!

Look at how smooth it used to look? In fact this assessment is actually just plain wrong; bitcoin hashrate charts you were to look at 6 months of data starting 3 months earlier then that nice "smooth" part would end up looking just as bad as the most recent data.

The problem is a question of scale; the variations in bitcoin hashrate charts hash rate become numerically larger as the overall hash rate increases. When confronted with this sort of data, many statisticians switch to logarithmic graphs instead of linear ones because log charts show the magnitude differences rather than absolute differences.

Here's the same data on a log chart:. Notice how the spikes in the blue hash rate look pretty much the same all the way across now? If you're observant you might argue that the ones on the left are slightly less spiky, but that's because the slope of the graph is steeper there. Even there though it's clear that the statistical noise on a day-to-day basis is actually much larger than the overall trend.

That overall trend shows that hashing rate, and thus the difficulty, increases are slowing down for now and probably for the forseeable future. The slowdown wasn't evident on the linear scale graph and so we can see another advantage of logarithmic scale graphs.

Most Bitcoin miners tend to think in terms of "difficulty" because it's what determines the complexity of any mining. On both of the graphs we've just looked at, though, the difficulty is clearly lagging behind the hash rate. The problem is that it's set retrospectively, and set at a level that would make the preceding blocks take exactly 14 days to find. This means that the difficulty lags around 5. If we want a real baseline to think about hash rates we need something more up-to-date.

In both of the charts we've just seen there is a baseline trace, and that trace represents "something more up-to-date". Bitcoin hashrate charts baseline is calculated by looking at the days where the difficulty changes and taking the square root of the ratio of a new to previous difficulty level and then multiplying it by the new difficulty. In-between these fixed points is an interpolation that assumes a steady percentage growth rate between them.

This particular baseline isn't perfect because it has no way to account for statistical noise in the hashing rate see " Hash Rate Headaches " but it turns out to be a surprisingly effective estimate nonetheless. Visually our baseline looks pretty reasonable. We know that even if the hash rate was constant the difficulty would change as a result of random noise see " Bitcoin hashrate charts For The Ear Defenders ".

The question is what does our bitcoin hashrate charts profile look like if we subtract out the baseline hash rate bitcoin hashrate charts This should approximately follow Bitcoin's Poisson process' noise profile and should oscillate about zero.

Here's what it actually bitcoin hashrate charts like for the last 12 months:. Comparing this with what simulations suggest for 24 hour bitcoin hashrate charts this looks remarkably consistent. This pretty-much suggests that there's been very little if anything unusual happening over the last 12 months and that hashing capacity has been reasonably steadily added throughout.

One final check though is to look at the probability histogram for the variations about our baseline:. We started out trying to understand how key statistics were presented. We've seen how bitcoin hashrate charts charts can be highly misleading. By devising a way to estimate the bitcoin hashrate charts rate baseline, we've been able to go one step further and see just how much the day to day hash rate estimates will oscillate quite wildly. The gods of statistics didn't want us to worry about what happens in the course of hour or even a few days; those numbers, tantalizing as they may seem, are largely meaningless.

They bitcoin hashrate charts the lies among the truth that only becomes apparent bitcoin hashrate charts a much longer timescale.