Bitcoin price hits new record as bitcoin cash falls after

After Thursday's massive hike in Bitcoin's value, the cryptocurrency fell 15 percent on Friday on profit-taking. The volatility has been put down to a decision by US regulators to allow Bitcoin trade on major exchanges. Every other commodity has natural sellers," he added. The increased interest has been driven by growing acceptance among traditional investors of an innovation once considered the preserve of computer nerds and financial experts.

Yet, while the financial world still reverberates with repeated warnings, it is clear that nothing about the future of Bitcoin, whether positive or negative, is certain. Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies - how do they work? Last week, US regulators gave the green light for Bitcoin futures to be traded on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange CMEthe world's biggest futures center, while on Thursday, the Australian Securities Exchange ASX confirmed it would start using the blockchain technology behind Bitcoin to replace its current system for the clearing and settlement of equities, becoming the first major exchange to commit to the often-derided technology.

That is despite the warnings from various financial figures and institutions becoming equally pronounced — just last week the Bank of France said the cryptocurrency had "no economic basis". Despite the latest gains, and the news regarding the increasing regulatory acceptance of Bitcoin, market analysts remain highly skeptical.

Why Bitcoin is valued in Zimbabwe. Cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin use a technology known as blockchain, which records transactions that are updated in real time on an online ledger. Transactions happen when heavily encrypted codes are passed across a computer network. The announcement on Thursday by the ASX that it will now use blockchain technology for its clearing and settlement system is not insignificant in the current 'bitcoin bubble' debate, given that it is the first major exchange to commit to the technology that essentially underpins the now world-famous cryptocurrency.

Venezuela announces new 'petro' cryptocurrency. An essential attraction of bitcoin and blockchain technology is its potential to reduce the need for a central financial authority and for financial intermediaries, reducing the costs of transactions in the process. Yet whether it is bitcoin or blockchain, many twists and turns remain ahead on the road to either ruin or acceptance.

Cryptocurrencies have grabbed a lot of attention in recent days as the value of bitcoin skyrocketed to hit record highs and Venezuela announced plans to create a digital currency called "petro. The Venezuelan president has announced plans to create a cryptocurrency backed by oil, gas, gold and diamond reserves.

He said the "petro" will help combat the US' "blockade" against the oil-rich country. Has bitcoin finally hit bitcoin price hits new record as bitcoin cash falls after ceiling many bitcoin price hits new record as bitcoin cash falls after predicted it would? For the first time, a portion of the bitcoin trading market will take place on major Bitcoin price hits new record as bitcoin cash falls after exchanges.

None of the new trading options involve ownership of the cryptocurrency but will be based on derivatives contracts. The French central bank has entered the fray bitcoin price hits new record as bitcoin cash falls after they say it is not a currency and has no economic basis. This year has seen cryptocurrency bitcoin shatter all growth expectations, continuing to defy dark predictions.

In Zimbabwe, its growth has been particularly striking, all the more so amid recent political turbulence. Some of the world's biggest auto companies have teamed up with tech providers and startups to form a consortium aimed at developing automotive bitcoin price hits new record as bitcoin cash falls after for blockchain, the database technology known from cryptocurrencies. ATMs in multiple Indian states aren't dispensing cash anymore.

While the government scrambles to pinpoint the cause for the crisis, PM Narendra Modi's demonetization move in November is back under the spotlight. Vietnam has launched an investigation into a multi-million-dollar cryptocurrency scam, ordering a crackdown on trading in the highly-popular iFan and Pincoin digital currencies in its lightly regulated market.

Mexico's new partnership - EU overhauls trade deal with Mexico. The western German city of Trier has unveiled a statue of Communist philosopher Karl Marx to commemorate years since his birth.

More than events were organized to mark the occasion, which also drew protesters. Existing quotas for women will not help ensure the "survival" of Germany's once mainstream parties, says Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Her conservative women's caucus has just marked its 70th anniversary in Frankfurt. Pro-independence Catalan politicians hope to nominate exiled former leader Carles Puigdemont to head their regional government again.

The move would be in defiance of Spain's wishes. Change it here DW. COM has chosen English as your language setting. COM in 30 languages. Germany Germany's Cold War chemical weapons: Military planned to stockpile arsenal in s In Depth War reporters — the great silence Business Bitcoin plunges after strong gains After Thursday's massive hike in Bitcoin's value, the cryptocurrency fell 15 percent on Friday on profit-taking.

Bitcoin's popularity on the rise. Share What is a blockchain? What is a blockchain? Venezuela's Nicolas Maduro announces 'petro' cryptocurrency pegged to oil and gold The Venezuelan president has announced plans to create a cryptocurrency backed by oil, gas, gold and diamond reserves. Bitcoin value falls dramatically in 48 hours Has bitcoin finally hit the ceiling many have predicted it would?

US approves Bitcoin derivatives trading on major exchanges For the first time, a portion of the bitcoin trading market will take place on major US exchanges. Why bitcoin is valued in Zimbabwe This year has seen cryptocurrency bitcoin shatter all growth expectations, continuing to defy dark predictions.

Send us your feedback. Print Print this page Permalink http: From VW to Julian Assange: How does extradition work? Karl Marx statue unveiled in Trier for anniversary celebrations. Merkel's CDU women's caucus seeks party rule change to elect more female legislators. Catalan secessionists back absent ex-leader Carles Puigdemont for regional president.