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Making your research accessible. By Kimberly Clarke 12 October Word processors have changed dramatically the way we all work. There is still a lot for editors to do, but today it is easier for authors to get their text right. And with so much more being published and budgets constrained, the fact of life is that most material is never edited, so the more authors can get right, the better the final product will be.

The aim of editing is to ensure that the reader is able to understand just what the author is trying to convey. Even if the substance is there, if the language is ambiguous, or the text tiring or distracting to read, the author can quickly lose some of the audience that they had gained. Some house style manuals are very detailed, and in addition to standardising spelling they cover the way one ought to use words and phrases, as well as guide design such as styles of headings and text fonts.

But even if you cover only the ten points below, you will make your written materials much more consistent, and create fewer distractions for your readers. Below them are some links to the house style guides of some very well-known publications — they are interesting reads in themselves, but you can always choose one of them and ask your authors to follow that style, and then add any extra rules specific to your project.

Decide on basic British vs American spellingsplus s or z if you go for British, then add any exceptions for your own version of English, which varies across the world. A list of the most obvious spelling choices is helpful, but you can also choose and specify a particular dictionary.

Every field has its own jargon and specialist terms, including acronyms. Make a list of these with agreed spellings for authors and definitely for editors. Decide whether to use single or double quotes, a comma after the second-last item in a list or not bitcoin primer for policy makers one word or two.

She carried a bag, ball, and stick. Many projects work in well-defined countries or geographical areas. Make a list of the key place names, people, organisations, currencies, local context terms e. Agree which typeface or font your bitcoin primer for policy makers one word or two will use for which outputs, and which heading styles size, font, and use of capital letters.

This will prevent enthusiastic but inexperienced authors from peppering their papers with far too many variations. This includes indenting paragraphs in general and after headingsand the style for table headings and labels, and figure and photograph captions.

Agree how citations and references should appear, so that readers can search for information easily and time and money is not wasted having to standardise them after the document is ready for publication. Make sure anyone who is producing outputs in your project has the correct logo, has a high-resolution version for printing and a low-resolution version for electronic uses, and knows the difference. Unnecessary spaces in your document will make word processing software behave unpredictably when it comes to layout.

Remove any extra spaces at the end of headings and paragraphs, in tables, and only leave one space after a full stop at the end of a sentence. Double and even triple spaces were necessary when documents were typewritten. It gave the writer some extra space to bitcoin primer for policy makers one word or two with when they had to go back and paint out and correct mistakes.

Hotlinks are convenient in electronic papers, but the key information is hidden once the document is printed out. The Economist Style Guide. Chicago Manual of Style. Subscribe Stay up to date with RSS. Partner with Us Are you an institution looking to increase your impact? Research to Bitcoin primer for policy makers one word or two R2A is a website catering for the strategic and practical needs of people trying to improve the uptake of development research, in particular those funded by DFID.

We have structured the site and populated it with material that we think will be immediately useful to this audience, but also to development researchers in general who would like to be more strategic and effective in their communications. R2A is produced by a bitcoin primer for policy makers one word or two editorial team, led by CommsConsult.

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Ten key house style points 1. Use capital letters, bold, and italics sparingly. Post a blog Submit an article. Poll I think that the Research to Action website is This Week's Most Read How does policy change happen? A basic introduction views Partnering for more effective and impactful development research views The impact of research on development policy and practice: An introduction to a review of the literature 89 views Outcome Mapping: A Basic Introduction 83 views Four types of knowledge management for development 70 views How to use Instagram for research communication 41 views.

About Us Research to Action R2A is a website catering for the strategic and practical needs of people trying to improve the uptake of development research, in particular those funded by DFID. Home About Us Cookies Contribute.

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