Bitcoin zarc

Bitcoin zarc is a guest post by Zarc Gin who we interviewed last week. Daily Fintech subscribers may recognise the name as somebody who has also provided insight to us related to Insurtech in China. In this post we asked Zarc for his take on how the regulatory crackdown that started in September is affecting the market.

Bitcoin zarc has been one of the biggest market for almost every aspect of Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies, from Bitcoin mining to trading volumes in exchanges. However, things changed dramatically after the regulatory crackdown in China in September. Most of the Bitcoin investors in China are opportunists, speculators and even gamblers, some of them made a fortune by being there early, but most of them suffered badly from the drastic fluctuation of Bitcoin price.

The statement from Chinese regulators is meant to protect individual investors and keep the economic environment stable. Both investors and exchanges in China have been seeking their Bitcoin opportunities overseas since then.

Despite of the decline within China, Chinese investors and exchanges still managed to become one of the major forces in the Bitcoin world. By running bitcoin zarc one of the major regulatory crackdown in China last year, we can see that the moves Chinese government made on regulations could have impact on the Bitcoin and cryptocurrency market, at least for a short period of time, it means both opportunities and bitcoin zarc for global investors.

Encouraging the development of blockchain technology while bitcoin zarc the regulation on cryptocurrency trades have been the attitude from Chinese regulators to the blockchain revolution for a long time. The blockchain hype caused by the surge of Bitcoin price in the end of has strengthened their bitcoin zarc to isolate blockchain from cryptocurrency and treat them differently.

So as far as cryptocurrency is concerned, I think the regulation on it will get tighter in Despite of the ban on exchanges last September, Chinese exchanges have found their way to bypass the regulation and made a huge fortune during the surge last December. But a vast majority of their users are still from China mainland. This pattern worked out perfectly for exchanges, they attracted new users from Fiat Currency trade and bitcoin zarc fees from crypto-to-crypto trades. Since the trade volumes are tremendous, they are making a huge profit out of it.

For example, Binance has issued a statement on Feb. They have blocked all IP addresses from China. Rumors also said that there will be a major move from regulators on March 15th, the World Consumer Rights Day. Rumors are speculated by bitcoin zarc public, but it is undoubtedly that there are plenty of chaos and uncertainty for cryptocurrency in China. Maybe we can completely get rid of government influence when the decentralized exchanges find a way to become the mainstream for cryptocurrency trade.

Bernard Lunn is a Fintech deal-maker, author bitcoin zarc, adviser and thought-leader. You can reach out directly to discuss our bitcoin zarc development services by sending an email to julia at dailyfintech dot com. Get fresh daily insights from an amazing team of Fintech thought leaders around the world.

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Regulatory outlook — getting tighter or loosening up? Image Source Bernard Lunn is a Fintech deal-maker, author bitcoin zarc, adviser and thought-leader. You can reach out directly to discuss our market bitcoin zarc services by sending an email to julia at dailyfintech dot com Get fresh daily insights bitcoin zarc an amazing team of Fintech thought leaders around the world. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: Email required Address never made public.

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