Bitstamp limited tooling

The Golden Week calm is a chimera. Next week the fun begins again. The trend is clear. CNY down, Bitcoin up. Blockchain app platform Lisk releases version 0. That was a mistake for management to not avail themselves at the time of the opportunity to get a government bailout like their American competitors.

As a result the bank emerged from the GFC much weaker, and since then has been one of the worst performing multinational banks. DB instead doubled down on a strategy to be a derivatives powerhouse. However, DB does not have the same operational excellence nor strength of balance sheet as their American competitors. This is a purely political situation at the current moment. Deutsche Bank is finished in its current form. There are two options, one is bad but manageable, the other is catastrophic.

However, neither of those two actions appear likely to occur. I believe the most likely option is for Germany to cave-in at some point and rescue DB. The cost of the rescue will be that DB jettison its Corporate Investment Bank and return to a purely German focused commercial bank. Italy will be next to follow with a government bank bailout. Option 2 is much worse in my opinion, and I believe global policy makers understand this.

As such, they will coerce Merkel to bail out DB. Both options 1 and 2 will result in money printing on a gargantuan scale.

That is Bitcoin positive. It will also result in more financial repression as central banks once again must prevent assets from fleeing the banking system. That also favors a non-central bank controlled currency like Bitcoin. What would be the impact of a Trump or Hillary presidency on cryptocurrencies?

Politics, banking, and money are all related. Trump is the king of debt. He is no stranger to bankruptcy and financial leverage. His presidency would be about America First. FDR is famous for the New Deal, which encompassed massive infrastructure spending. While FDR is credited by many for lifting America out of the Great Depression, in reality it is much easier to rebuild your economy when your competition is being Blitzkrieged.

Trump is intensely disliked by politicians of all stripes. However, no politician either Republican or Democrat will shy away from a chance to bring pork back to their districts. If Trump wins on a mandate of increased government spending, congress will participate enthusiastically.

That would cost a lot of money. Where will this money come from? In the same debate, Trump voiced concerns that the Fed has not raised interest rates. He implied that the Fed has kept rates too low for too long, and that a day of reckoning will soon occur. The king of debt will want the cheapest borrowing costs possible. Hillary promises more of the same. Her pitch is a continuation of the policies of the past eight years. She even served as Secretary of State for a portion of that time.

More of the same means more government spending. More taxes and more goodies for everyone both rich and poor. The financial institutions are big supporters of Hillary, and she will not disappoint them.

Government transfer payments for the poor and middle class, and money printing for the asset rich elites. That is what will be on order with Hillary.

Government spending similar to Trump will accelerate. The Fed will need to keep the printing presses humming. These bonds will be monetised by the Fed lest interest rates spike higher. The Fed will actually welcome an increased supply of government bonds to buy. For Bitcoin, and other cryptocurrencies this is positive. Development Engineer at Hanyang Electric Co. French, Spanish, Lingala, English. David Leopold Hoddesdon, United Kingdom. Leopold Roussel Paris, France.

Richard Swallow United Kingdom. Gurhan Ertasgin Salisbury, Australia. Peter Vigrass Ackworth, United Kingdom. Xavier Leopold London, United Kingdom. Managing Partner at Hueffer Ltd. Senior Consultant at Manres AG. Instructor at Kepner-Tregoe Inc. Associate Consultant at Dr. Michael Fornara Paris, France. Tooling Manager at R. KG Toolmaker at Cinch Connectors. Over 30 years toolmaking experiance in both Plastic injection and press tools, 15 years experiance in sourcing and project management of tooling.

Leopold Tafara Tapi Zimbabwe. Retrieved 5 January Retrieved 6 January The New York Times. History Economics Legal status. List of bitcoin companies List of bitcoin organizations List of people in blockchain technology. Retrieved from " https: Bitcoin exchanges Privately held companies of the United Kingdom establishments in the United Kingdom Companies established in Bitcoin theft Bitcoin companies.