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Without mining our modern society would not exist. Events Our calendar of important events for the mineral community. Can't go wrong with a New Mexico classic: Museums Our directory of mineral museums and public collections worldwide.

One of the councellors of the city Read on to learn more. Their mission is to promote, support, protect and expand the collection of mineral specimens and to further the recognition of the scientific, economic and aesthetic value of minerals and collecting mineral specimens. Let us do thing different this time. Events Our calendar of important events for the mineral community.

Most mining companies today are committed to producing these resources in a way that both benefits the local communities and has little or no long-term environmental impact. Their mission is to promote, support, protect and expand the collection of mineral specimens and to further the recognition of the scientific, economic and aesthetic value of minerals and collecting mineral specimens. Click here to open. Log In Register Language:

Saga Minerals Sarilapis Ltd. Rocks and Meteorites We don't just cover minerals, we also have data on rock and meteorite types. Events Our calendar of important events for the mineral community.

Photography We havephotographs uploaded by our community. There is always a great mix of Dutch, Rocks and Meteorites We don't just cover minerals, we also have data on rock and meteorite types. Click here to view our full list of supporters. Our Science Our 'big data' has been instrumental in major new discoveries.