Blockchain size monero

Only top voted, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible. Questions Tags Users Badges Unanswered. Tag Info users hot new synonyms. Hot answers tagged blockchain-size day week month year all. What contributions if any are there to the overall blockchain size, other than the actual transaction sizes?

The main factor is the number of signatures included in a transaction. With Bitcoin you only have 1 signature per input, whereas with Monero you have N number of signatures depending on your choice for that transaction per input. There should be little else that affects the blockchain size as directly as that. Blockchain database file size variance by Operating System. You are probably looking at a blockchain size monero file with the blockchain in it. The main variation cause is that the database library Monero uses, LMDB, preallocates some space for writing.

Every so often, when that space falls too low, LMDB will resize the file to get more breathing space. Some OSes do not support sparse files - that is, files with "holes without Blockchain size on hard drive? The current blockchain size is around On Windows platforms, you can check the size of the blockchain by checking the size of C: Derek Zhang 2 6.

Are criticisms of Monero's blockchain bloat blockchain size monero To some extent, it is, but it is also a common canard that FUDsters like to cling to. Monero transactions are indeed larger than Bitcoin's, and RingCT transactions will be even larger. However, most of blockchain size monero data signatures can be dropped by a node after verification there are drawbacks, though: From what I understand, any coin that provides privacy will deal with at least some degree of bloat, as a private transaction will always add more data to the blockchain than a transparent one.

This can be seen with coinjoin transactions in Bitcoin and Dash's implementation of coinjoin, both of which add significant amounts of bloat. Alexde 1, 1 4 The blockchain size monero structure is: How much blockchain size monero to have blockchain synced? This is basically impossible to calculate. Syncing speed depends on a variety of factors, such as type of hard drive SSD or HDDcomputer specifications old computer versus relatively new computerand bandwidth.

How would sharding work in Monero to help with scaling? Currently it's still an open question but I believe it's the inevitable path if Monero adoption increases. The optimal way for a sharded distributed DB blockchain size monero operate is to have encoded rules for mapping from a key to a shard node. Its the monero blockchain is 21 GB, what proposed ways are there to reduce this size? You can't simply discard all of the older parts of the blockchain, because you need to be able to verify that every new transaction you encounter blockchain size monero valid outputs created in the past.

The vast majority of a Monero transaction is the ring signature and output range proofs. It may be possible to prune these from the blockchain after a certain period The previous answers are correct, but there are plenty of other reasons for size variations. The timing and order in blockchain size monero records are written will also affect the way space is allocated blockchain size monero the database, and if the two nodes didn't run in lockstep then they'll get batches of blocks at different times as well as alternate blocks at different times.

Here's some website I Googled, with pictures of the two OSes HopelessN00b 1 4. Is the blockchain size on disk smaller with v0. Mine went from 13gb to 7. I run the 64 bit linux version and built the binaries on my machine. The old blockchain size monero was running 0. Why is there a penalty on large block sizes? If you were a bank, then I agree with you - clearing all transactions as fast as possible makes the most sense for your customers.

After all, you would control all the account information, have plenty of computing power, and would enjoy all the transaction fees that go with them. We don't want centralization, we want as many people as possible to run a full Miles P 1 4. Does the new v5 hardfork low fee option create a risk for blockchain bloat? I understand the only thing limiting people from inserting, for example, a MB FLAC encoded recording of The Sign into the tx-extra field in a Monero transaction is the high fees they pay per kb.

That's the 2nd limiting thing, really. First, we'd have to somehow get to a block size median of min. The dynamic block size and reward penalty make it JollyMort 18k 2 32 Two main reasons why this can't happen: The block size can't grow from 60KB to MB abruptly, it has to be progressive a new block can't be larger than twice the median size of the last blocks The fee for that transaction needs to be more than blockchain size monero block size penalty blockchain size monero by miners, which wouldn't be the case blockchain size monero such a large block: The database file is something like 2.

There are a variety of reasons for it: The blockchain database size blockchain size monero currently 21 GB. Historical evolution is tracked at http: This site claims a smaller size, so it might be tracking the "raw" size, rather than the on disk database size as the database duplicates some data in order to allow faster lookups.

Byte Size of other cryptonote network blockchains. You could try chainradar. But the real answer, and only thing relevant here, is that Monero does not put the entire blockchain into memory, blockchain size monero the rest of the question is therefore mostly beyond the scope of this SE.

The question doesn't apply to Monero but might apply to blockchain size monero cryptonote-based coins that Is it viable to attack Monero by artificially bloating blocks and blockchain size monero it harder to run a full node due to the increased blockchain burden? The blockchain size monero size of the next block is limited to 2x the median size of last blocks.

Creating a block this large imposes a penalty equal to the block subsidy, so the miners entire revenue would have to come from transactions, thus the transaction fees would have to be at least as large as the block reward to entice the miner. I don't think so as the increase in transaction size is proportional to the amount of privacy the user desires, IOW, if you want better privacy, you still need to pay for it. Any increase in transaction size will naturally increase the fees one will pay, and that miners are willing to accept.

There's no tragedy of the commons where people pay the same What does 'dynamically scalable' mean? The blocksize can automatically adjust blockchain size monero the course of time by the miners including more or less transactions than what has recently been the norm however they have to pay a penalty fee if they increase it by more than a certain distance from the median of recent blocks.

I guess the idea is to let the market decide what the blocksize should be rather than How fast is the blockchain growing? This is the blockchain growth MB per month since inception: Papa Lazzarou 1, 2 Pruning the blockchain means blockchain size monero some data from it, like old blockchain size monero signatures and range proofs.

For example, your Monero daemon could store an incomplete version of all the blocks older than one week no blockchain size monero, no range proofs to save some space, and it would still have all the info inputs, outputs allowing a wallet to check its balance.

Do you have to download the entire monero blockchain when using the core wallet? And blockchain size monero big is it? By default - yes.

Although, blockchain size monero can use blockchain size monero nodes to sync the wallet: What is a remote node?

How much information is passed from the daemon to simplewallet when scanning blockchain size monero a wallet's transactions? There's a way without having to download the blockchain but it comes with a trade-off: Since the penalty function is inherited blockchain size monero CryptoNote, we must look at the whitepaper for the "original thought" on the subject.

Even though only the majority of miners can shift the median value, blockchain size monero is still a possibility to bloat the How scalable and decentralized can a block chain currency be?

We say Monero is scaleable because there nothing in the protocol level preventing Monero from accepting a very blockchain size monero number of transactions. There is no coded limit on the block size. The processing capacity for nodes is based on a few things: Frequency of transactions Size of the blockchain Regarding the first, transactions can not happen faster than Running monero in its own virtualbox, performance issues? Running any program inside a VM comes with a slight-to-moderate hit in performance.

It really depends on how you set things up both on the host computer and inside the client OS. If you're going to run Ubuntu Bootstrapping Monero blockchain via clearnet?

You can download the current bootstrap from here Regarding 'Monero's blockchain bloat':

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