Bullionvault vs bitgold login

A major change of policy at Goldmoney Something has bullionvault vs bitgold login recently at Goldmoney, which has forced them to implement a major change in policy affecting Personal accounts: Both companies restricted incoming and outgoing funds to a single linked bank account. To understand any of the above except for the justificationyou have to login to your Personal account, and try to make sense of all the error messages and alerts.

After leading with a bullionvault vs bitgold login graphical chart and congratulatory message, the communication of the fundamental change in policy is delivered in this perfect example of corporate-speak:. As you are dealing directly with other buyers and sellers, you bullionvault vs bitgold login only a small brokerage fee, bypassing gold dealers and their expensive trading fees. As soon as the hype dies out, a lot of money is going to get made shorting this one — and a lot of money lost by those who were taken in.

Disappointing interaction design at Apple. As soon as the hype dies out, a lot of money is going to get made shorting this one — and a lot of money bullionvault vs bitgold login by those who were taken in. For savers and long-term gold investors, our intent is for you to use our Wealth accounts.

Then, you can do your purchasing in Personal, and transfer the proceeds to Wealth at no cost. From an interview with the Financial Post:. Later, a third player emerged, located in Canada, which caught my attention— BitGold.

What I dearly wish, though, is that Bullionvault vs bitgold login had simply communicated the changes in a straightforward plain-English way, respectful of their customers ability to understand the reality of the situation. Disappointing interaction design at Apple. Second, it introduces distrust, and damages my confidence in this company.

As soon as the hype dies out, a lot of money is going to get made shorting this one — and a lot of money lost by those who were taken in. Nevertheless, the merger between GoldMoney and Bitgold should be taken into account. We created GoldMoney with the vision of making gold accessible for savings and payments, a vision that BitGold is rapidly expanding in a bullionvault vs bitgold login era of cloud computing and mobile technology.

To understand any of the above except for the justificationyou have to login to your Personal account, and try to make sense of all the error messages and alerts. Account changes required phoning in. While both services offered web-based access bullionvault vs bitgold login their customers, they both felt old-fashioned and rigid. For savers and long-term gold investors, our intent is for you to use our Wealth accounts. The CEO knows the system has been used to settle bets.