Compile bitcoin qt debian iso

In turn, this avoids the need to trust people or software who build the ISO we release, which in turn allows more people to get involved in release management work. We would not have to upload the ISO image anymore when we do a release: Uploading an ISO can take many hours with some commonly found means of accessing the Internet, so removing the need to go through this step decreases our time compile bitcoin qt debian iso remediation for fixing security issues, and makes it easier for compile bitcoin qt debian iso with poor access to the Internet to take care of a release.

We are indeed able to assess the impact of a specific update, when we know that everything else won't change when we build an ISO that includes this update, and we can verify it for example with diffoscope.

No more bit flip that makes us waste precious hours during a release process been there, seen that. Increases confidence in the value of our continuous quality assurance processes: Allow developers to use different build environments, while making sure that they produce the same binaries from the same source code. This is nice for developers who get to pick their preferred toolsand also it helps ensure that we don't fully rely a golden trusted build environment, that must be absolutely never compile bitcoin qt debian iso compromised, and is very painful to upgrade.

Increases the trust that users, and anyone interested really, can put compile bitcoin qt debian iso our released build products such as ISO images and our development and release process. Might save disk space on mirrors, if some block-level de-duplication is done by the filesystem, and the compression algorithms we use to build images is stable enough in the situations we use it for.

Detect bugs, for example the ones provided on the reproducible builds project's buy-in page retrieved on Relying on external sources with no backup plans might cause serious troubles in the long term" reproducible builds project's buy-in page Being free software is a necessary condition for tools to be trusted for their security.

The only way for security researchers to know if a piece of software is trustworthy, is to audit its source code. But operating systems are delivered to their compile bitcoin qt debian iso in binary form that cannot be simply reverted back to their original source code. But there is no technical way for security researchers to be sure that the binary delivered to the users was built from the original source code, because the process of transforming the source code into a binary is not deterministic: Several free software projects such as Tor, Debian, and Bitcoin are working on addressing this core issue of secure computing by making the build process deterministic using new, innovative techniques.

Compile bitcoin qt debian iso also wants to work towards reproducible builds, in order to enable security researchers to audit our software more easily and, as a consequence, to allow our users to put more trust in our software.

We want compile bitcoin qt debian iso provide a verifiable path from human readable Tails source code to the binary ISO images compile bitcoin qt debian iso publish. In other compile bitcoin qt debian iso, we want to compile bitcoin qt debian iso anyone given sufficient technical skills and hardware resources to rebuild from source a given Tails release, in order to independently verify that it matches the ISO image we have published.

We want these properties to be easily maintainable on the long-term, so we want to work with our upstreams mainly Debian towards making as deterministic as possible the output of installing the software we get from them. As a welcome side-effect, the work towards Tails reproducible builds will most likely provide other great benefits, including:.

There are two main strategies available in order to get software build reproducibly: These strategies are not mutually exclusive, and for the sake of pragmatism, the other projects who are working on reproducible builds combine them.

We pragmatically expect that we will need to do the same: Finding the right place to draw the line between these two strategies will be an interesting challenge.

So, we will create means to regularly "freeze" our build environment, give a unique name to each such snapshot, and make them publicly available.

And we will also teach our ISO build system to use the appropriate build environment depending on the branch or tag it is run on. We think that our Vagrant-based build system can be extended to support these new needs.

Thankfully, we have just unleashed our "freezable APT repository", so it's totally doable to have a given frozen build environment use software repositories that are frozen as well, which simplifies a compile bitcoin qt debian iso the creation and maintenance of frozen build environments: In passing, let's note that the build environment we need to record is not limited a system disk image: Here as well, we'll need to draw a line between including such details into the description of the build environment, and making the build system's output independent of these variations.

It would also be good to make it easy to compile bitcoin qt debian iso a build environment that's close to a given frozen one. It compile bitcoin qt debian iso out of the scope of this first iteration, but we are confident that we can implement the above in a way that makes it easy enough to add this property later.

After lots of research, discussion and experiments, we settled on the following implementation for compile bitcoin qt debian iso first iteration:. So we don't publish Vagrant baseboxes anymore: Their resulting basebox doesn't have to be identical to anybody else's, but it is similar enough to produce ISO images that are identical to the ones published by the Tails project.

It has now been released and is documented in the page about Tails Vagrant setup. We will modify the Tails ISO build process itself, to make it deterministic within a given build environment. This includes quite a few technical challenges, and we expect it will be the most time-consuming part of this project.

A number of those challenges are being worked on as part of the broader reproducible builds effort, and in particular in Debian, so we will benefit from existing analysis regarding sources of non-determinism and possible solutions.

However, these efforts have been focused so far on compile bitcoin qt debian iso smaller pieces of software particularly Debian packagesso there is little doubt we will hit new classes of problems while building a full operating system image.

Let us mention a few issues we already have in mind:. In some cases we might be able to set the system clock to a predetermined value, in some others we need to have parts of the build process stop including timestamps, and then some additional post-processing should be enough to address all these issues. In some cases we can simply seed a pseudo-random number generator with a predetermined value, but there may be cases when this would cause other problems.

Inputs from the network: We already have a design in mind to solve this. Debian packages' post-installation scripts: In many cases, we will be able to modify these scripts to make their output deterministic; but most likely, we will need a fair amount of post-processing to address at least some remaining issues. We expect compile bitcoin qt debian iso will discover, along the way, a number of other non-determinism problems we are not aware of yet. We are confident that we can address them, and that our work will benefit other projects that want to make their own builds reproducible e.

Let's not kid ourselves: But building reproducibly is a property that needs to be kept valid on the long term: So we need to look at this compile bitcoin qt debian iso project through a long-term prism. In practical terms, this means that as many as possible, among the solutions we find to reproducibility issues, must end up upstream: This is why no less than three Debian package maintainers are part of the team we have assembled for this project.

This work will also benefit other projects that want to compile bitcoin qt debian iso their own builds reproducible, and even more so for Debian-based projects. We will re-use the Vagrant-based build system we have created for developers: First of all, we will need to host a number of baseboxes that the isobuilders will generate before each build if locally unavailable.

This way they can re-use them rather than rebuild them each time. This means having enough disk space for the vagrant. Still, the integration into our Jenkins setup will require us to go through a few additional steps, such as:. The virtual machines used as Jenkins "slaves" to build ISO images will need to store a number of different baseboxes. We will use a rake task rake basebox: Given we update the baseboxes at every Tails release, we've set this period to 4 months.

The Jenkins isobuilders will use the forcecleanup build option to ensure that the only copy of the baseboxes remaining on disk are the one in the vagrant. For simplicity and security reasons, we will be using nested virtualization, i. Vagrant will start the desired ISO build environment in a virtual machine, all this inside a Jenkins "slave" virtual machine. We are already using nested virtualization a lot, so we are confident it can work out well, but compile bitcoin qt debian iso it brings two other problems.

First, we have experienced reliability issues with nested virtualization in the past; these issues have been solved in the Linux kernel recently, but there may be more that our current use cases have not uncovered. And secondly, nested compile bitcoin qt debian iso does not come for free: For estimates on hardware cost for Lizardsee the dedicated page. We already compile bitcoin qt debian iso our server infrastructure to support this project, integrating it in our Vagrant setup mentioned above.

Specifics about how we deployed that in our Jenkins infra are documented here. But it can be good to keep this potential future goal in mind so we don't make decisions making it harder.

A possible goal for us could be that, when building Tails, delegate the trust of the authenticity here this means that a binary was built from the claimed compile bitcoin qt debian iso code of the binaries used, from compile bitcoin qt debian iso Tails project incl. This includes both binaries used when building Tails, and the binaries that end up inside the final Tails image. After all, the goal here is that looking at the source and building it should be enough to authenticate the images we ship.

In our custom APT repo we ship packages that we build ourselves, so we need to make all of them build reproducibly for this goal to give any real confidence. That includes both compile bitcoin qt debian iso installed inside the final Tails image e. Note that this would also be nice to have in our QA process as a safe guard against contributors uploading a knowingly or not compromised package, i.

In our frozen APT suites we allegedly ship tons of packages imported straight from Debian. Or possibly even better: That will make it easier to deal with non-Debian sources we use e. Users would only need to authenticate all APT repo keys shipped in that package, or similar. Hopefully Debian provides a way to authenticate obsolete APT repo signing keys e. We also need to make it possible for users to generate the "static build environment" see above themselves so they do not have to rely on whatever binary blob e.

As already mentioned above, it should be possible to to do this by leveraging our APT infrastructure's ability to freeze APT state, which then can compile bitcoin qt debian iso verified as described above.

Whatever the users manage to produce does not need to be bit-by-bit identical with binary blob we distribute; it just must have the same properties for building Tails in a reproducible manner, which it compile bitcoin qt debian iso have provided the frozen APT state used during generation.

Having that would be nice, but, as pointed out above, not necessary for this goal. Given all the above, users should be able to build Tails reproducibly while only having had to trust Debian for any binaries used in the process. Combine this with all Debian packages being reproducible at some point and we're basically down to the "Reflections on Trusting Trust" level when it comes to the "trust anchor", and close to reach reproducability nirvana.

I guess the next step would be to rely less on a "static build environment" to support something like "Diverse Double-Compiling" to counter the "Trusting Trust" problem. Making POT files more stable: The basic approach here is from gettext, though implemented a bit more simply since we can assume perl. In our first iteration of reproducible ISO builds, we treat the content of the Debian package repositories used during the build process as trusted input.

These repositories are of two kinds:. The current standard process is that a developer builds a package locally, and uploads it to our custom APT repository. This entails a number of problems that we are going to discuss now.

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