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The original 'nycoin' code is open-source and viewable to the public at github code repository. NewYorkCoin NYC is a completely fair launch coin with no pre-mine or holdbacks, easy low difficulty mining and no network fees to send and receive lightning-fast instant transactions with second confirmations.

Original developer has never communicated with anyone to my knowledge since NewYorkCoin was launched with minimum fanfare. Original developer posted 1 tweet twitter. NYC was launched at a time when New York regulators were going hard after bitcoin startups and prosecuting the founder of Bit-Instant. Early miners noticed these amazing specs as well and a worldwide group of NYC supporters have loyally kept the newyorkc network confirming transactions steadily for almost 4 years now.

I created the website 'newyorkco. A worldwide group of dedicated miners have kept NYC's torch lit and the network processing NYC transactions every seconds without fail since A tiny cryptocurrency exchange Coingather listed NYC in and mined it as well.

That exchange has since disappeared from existence with many NYC vanishing with them. All of the original mining pools that supported NYC have since disappeared. Files get deleted, computers get replaced, hard drives fail, passwords are forgotten, backup drives get lost or written over. Especially when a coin has a very large blockchain, requiring lots of storage space and absolutely no liquidity or value for YEARS. Or even a website from mid thru mid This has been the story of NYC for the past couple of years.

NYC miners and supporters quickly answered the call. NYC quickly had 8 network nodes, 3 mining pools and multiple block explorers synced. Coinmarketcap listing, Github open-source code, block explorer, core wallets, proven blockchain and an unknown developer. Named after the one and only NYC. NYC is simply more usable than Bitcoin. Secure P2P resource sharing with a built-in "cold storage" crypto wallet and Distributed Ledger Consensus. Project Keynote by Mr. Cost-bearing apps are based on a secure P2P resource-sharing system, which distributes fees between users and developers.

Steven Nerayoff Co-Founder Ethereum. Kadyr Daulenov Android Guru. Yaniv Shechter Senior QA engineer. This enables fast payments between the network peers without the need for mining fee-less. The total supply of SRN tokens will be fixed relative to the number of tokens distributed in the uncapped crowdsale. Legal restrictions prevent us from discussing any conversations that may or may not be happening regarding the SRN appearing on exchanges.

London and Tel Aviv. SRN token will be liquid directly after the crowdsale. Sirin Labs products are made to fully explore the advantages of blockchain.