Cryptocurrency market could hit $1 trillion this year with bitcoin surging to $50000 experts say

Suddenly they publish this. All media stations push their own agenda which is determined by the owners. Maybe the owners bought cheap during the dip. Then depending on if I wanted to buy cheap coins or had a bunch of pumped coins I wanted to sell, I would open up my secret console, and publish my manipulation to the sheeples to consume.

However, that wouldn't be anything new, because CNBC already does it. Bitcoin crash is a hot topic right now. What an interesting twist to have someone come on and say it could 10x this year? You are late to the game, it already exist - https: I find it quite funny actually.

But also ironical in that it almost fit every "expert" news I have seen so far. I dunno, I still like the people saying it could reach k within the year. They've clearly got something interesting going on to get those numbers. Today, the price of Bitcoin has skyrocketed to a monthly high. Experts attribute the insane growth to the launch of the Falcon Heavy Rocket. Osama Bin Mc Arthur, an expert at Gawker Reborn says that the gains make this the best possible time to buy more cryptocurrency.

Also rising in the crypto market this morning is cryptokitties, which saw its all-time high this morning. The driving factor behind the dramatic fluctuations seems to be talks of Uganda contemplating buying one bitcoin. Want to go next level? The banks saying they would no longer allow CCs for crypto purchases, encouraged the cryptocurrency market could hit $1 trillion this year with bitcoin surging to $50000 experts say, all while wall street is joining the game.

Seems a bit coincidental. Maybe you are just pulling shit out of your ass because the world is complex and cryptocurrency market could hit $1 trillion this year with bitcoin surging to $50000 experts say make sense to you.

This is why we need bitcoin, so a tiny wealthy elite can't manipulate the price of currency for their own benefit. I see shit like this all time with stocks too. The second a stock goes down a percent speculatory journalists bust out articles they've been keeping in reserve about how terrible a stock is and how it might drop. The second it goes up a percent they start cheering it on. Admit to yourself that you know just about nothing when it comes to markets, and then acknowledge that most of these journalists know even less than you.

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