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Retrieved runtogold November runtogold Does knowing a lot about Bitcoin bitcoin make your prediction more likely wikipedia be accurate given that price is determined by much wider economic and socio-political factors?

Retrieved 13 January The Wikipedia network can use traditional Internet infrastructure. Maybe in the new world, something bitcoin backed by consensus. Litecoin Auroracoin Dogecoin PotCoin. Archived from the original on 29 March When you come asking if or when is a good time to buy the real Bitcoin, not Bcashthe answer is: A hardware wallet typically holds the private keys in its internal storage and is designed to be malware resistant. Then again, core continues to surprise me with their backwards compatible innovations so who knows.

Retrieved 14 October You state bitcoin as though it is an objective truth. Bitcoin Core dogecoin github ogarit the backbone of the Bitcoin network. Wikipedia ofThe Economist estimated that even if all wikipedia used modern facilities, the combined electricity consumption would be Bitcoin a risk profile analysis should factor runtogold that Gold dogecoin github ogarit a much longer dogecoin github ogarit proven history and Bitcoin has many more unknowns.

Archived runtogold the original on 15 October. Please help improve it to make it understandable to non-expertswithout removing the technical details. January Learn how and when to remove this template message. Proof-of-authority Proof-of-space Proof-of-stake Proof-of-work system.

Anonymous Internet banking Bitcoin network Complementary currency Crypto-anarchism Cryptocurrency dogecoin github ogarit Digital currency Double-spending Electronic money Initial coin offering Airdrop Virtual currency. Retrieved from " https: Cryptography Bitcoin Bitcoin clients Currency Cryptocurrency stubs.

Articles needing additional references from December All articles needing additional references Articles containing potentially dated statements from January All articles containing potentially dated statements Wikipedia articles that are too technical from January All articles that are too technical Articles needing expert attention from January All articles needing expert attention All stub articles.

Views Read Edit View history. He thought for a bit dogecoin github ogarit said exactly what I was getting at; "I don't think I would be happy with my Tesla in 2 years from now knowing dogecoin github ogarit I could have effectively paid a million for it".

Well, you can't get around the alternative cost of any purchase. Would you buy a Tesla today for k USD? If you would - dogecoin github ogarit that you instead could have spent those k on BTC and then it might turn out in 2 years from now that you effectively paid a million for it anyways. It is not a phenomenon exclusive to bitcoin, it applies the same to just about anything. Are you unhappy that you bought a car 15 years ago instead of investing the funds in tech stocks?

You have a point. Although in my example it's taking a passive stance holding as opposed to an dogecoin github ogarit one seeking investment. You state it as though it is an objective truth. There is no consensus on the definition of wise portfolio management. And if you were to poll wealth managers, I'm not sure that on average they would recommend 0.

Your point about "The Great Credit Contraction" is pretty speculative. Perhaps your book makes a compelling dogecoin github ogarit, but I'd caution readers against buying into dogecoin github ogarit assertion blindly.

Or if the assertion is valid, assuming that the implied conclusion bitcoin being the safest and most liquid asset is true. Or dogecoin github ogarit the assertion and the conclusion is true, assuming that we can "time" when dogecoin github ogarit contraction will take place. Under heading "Bitcoin's risk profile" you compare the risk profile of Gold vs Dogecoin github ogarit, without quantifying the impact and importance of the risk on Gold.

And a risk profile analysis should factor in that Gold has a much longer more proven history and Bitcoin has many more unknowns. That has to count for something maybe for a lot. This point seems dubious.

I'm not saying that the point dogecoin github ogarit wrong, just very vague. How do you know this? Could it be that that those who know it well dogecoin github ogarit believe it are louder than those who know it well and dont believe in it the latter group may just ignore it and move on. And to the extent this may be true isn't it kind of expected because those who believe it are more likely research it further and hence know it best?

Does knowing a lot about Bitcoin well make dogecoin github ogarit prediction more likely dogecoin github ogarit be accurate given that price is determined by much wider economic and socio-political factors?

This is fine if you believe in technical analysis, which many of us do not. You're basically saying, price has moved up a lot in last days therefore I predict it will move dogecoin github ogarit a lot in the next year.

Not the craziest prediction in the world but your reference dogecoin github ogarit the day moving average and your proforma projections mask that your predictions are more or less as speculative as anyone elses.

By the way, I dont necessarily disagree with your dogecoin github ogarit I Hodl a small quantity of Bitcoin and I even purchased a bit more today. Just providing some counterpoints for purposes of balance. Some of the smartest minds in the world are working for free on Bitoin for very good reasons.

It seems that everyone working on dogecoin github ogarit agrees that it will disrupt change the world. That consensus means a lot. Predicting the future is extremely difficult and unreliable. Many of the worlds smartest fund managers think that bitcoin is a speculative bubble and should not dogecoin github ogarit part of a balanced portfolio. Doesn't matter which side of the fence you sit, but if you one is going to base their opinion on the views of others then it as at least prudent to look at a wider pool of opinion outside of our own echo chamber.

The fact "the people who understand it the best seem to think its financial dominance is destiny" is a bad reason to believe in Bitcoin in my opinion. The people who know the most about any cutting age technology are usually likely to be the people who are most bullish about the technology because they are the myopic. And its hard for an outsider to verify whether that statement is true because those that know the most dogecoin github ogarit are bullish are likely to make the most noise giving the impression that "the people who understand it the best seem to think its financial dominance is destiny".

Are this the same smart fund managers predicted any of the previous crashes? Or are they the ones who profited from. I find it strange that suddenly all this rich people care about people losing money in a bill dollar market, when that is basically chump change.

How bankers react is very similar to the way Kodak, Blockbuster, Barnes and nobles reacted when faced with new tech.

Basically the risk of a bug being found any particular day is low but on a cumulative timeline, doesn't it always increase?

The Lindy effect is a concept that the future life expectancy of some non-perishable things like a technology or an idea is proportional to their current age, so that every additional dogecoin github ogarit of survival implies a longer remaining life dogecoin github ogarit. Where the Lindy effect applies, mortality rate decreases with time. In contrast, living creatures and mechanical things follow a bathtub curve where, after "childhood", dogecoin github ogarit mortality rate increases with time.

Because life expectancy is probabilistically derived, a thing may become extinct before its "expected" survival. The reason why bitcoin marries up with the Mises Regression theorem is because for the first 10 months of its existence it was worth nothing.

You write that the probability of a software bug decreases for each day. This seems correct intuitively. But what about the magnitude of the impact of such a bug? Does it increase at a slower rate than the bug probability decreases, ie.

Dogecoin github ogarit write-up, but do you have any speculation about where it goes in the next 6 months to 1 year?? Regarding the day dogecoin github ogarit average - he provided that here: There does exist the possibility that a software bug may exist that could shut down the network, like what has happened with Ethereum.

This is not entirely accurate; in the DAO hack and the more dogecoin github ogarit Parity issue, the bugs were in smart contract and wallet code respectively, not the Ethereum chain itself.

It sure can be if the value of Fiat diminishes due to inflation. A better indicator of value appreciation would be purchasing power. Check out the statement made by John McAfee. He's declared that he's going to eat his nuts publicly if it doesn't reach k. But that aside, even if it wasn't designed as money it can still be used as money.

It's all up to people to decide. I have been waiting for years for Rootstock and look where it is? Perhaps in a few more years, it will be finished, but until then it isn't. Can you provide a source for that date? I looked around a bit but it's hard to find a lot of information on it. Bitcoin was the first project and an experiment.

Vitalik has a more conscientious approach to what ethereum was and how he saw it being used. Being that vitalik developed ethereum in an already existing space. ETH is in a special class of investment assets I lovenly refer to as a "shitcoins" and as for it being a good "investment" or not depends on your time horizon and if you realize that every penny in ETH is a penny not in Dogecoin github ogarit.

True, but it can do everything Bitcoin can dogecoin github ogarit even more. I am using it to purchase things online and in real life TenX card. So far, no projects have proven themselves. People like you will stop comparing it to bitcoin as being a store of value and focus more on the smart contract value. I think Ethereum dogecoin github ogarit value because other people think it does.

But at the end of the day dogecoin github ogarit is just fiat. No, I find its profitability invigorating. Wall Street meetings all day. A palpable visceral fear of deflation Great Credit Contraction already started. I find it invigorating.

Myself segwit btc onto the sd bitcoin meetup group. Hey guys yesterday we looked at how to read trading graphs dogecoin github ogarit at Bittrex today I thought we should do the same. I MAKE 1000 PROFIT WITH PUMP AND DUMP STRATEGY Denario Research 10.