Ethereum downloading blocks slow

It looks like you're new here. If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons! July edited July in Mist. I only need to use the wallet once a day, but every time I open it I need to download thousands of new blocks and it takes hours to synchronize. I opened the wallet today at 9. Is it meant to be so slow? Am I doing something wrong?

It's so slow that sometimes, by the time I reach the estimated number of blocks needed, the blockchain has advanced by another blocks and I end up having to download those too. July edited July Yesterday my wallet was synchronized at approximately 4,, blocks. This morning the blockchain has moved forward to 4,,, thus requiring another few hours to download. Is there any way of using the wallet without downloading all these new blocks, or downloading them faster?

Compare your logging messages with the following logging messages to determine whethere your node client is fast syncing or normal syncing. And following is the equivalent geth 1. The blocks will sync in batches, and when your blockchain data is up to date, single blocks are received approximately every 14 seconds:. You can use Parity and start the Parity syncing using the following command line parameter for a reasonably quick sync:.

You can access the Parity user interface by navigating in your browser to http: You can use Parity as a back end to Ethereum Wallet. Start Parity with the following command line. Retrieved from " https: Navigation menu Personal tools Log in. Views Read View source View history. This page was last modified on 24 July , at Content is available under Attribution-ShareAlike 4.