Ethereum transporters

February edited February Its a trustless delivery system. I can get the basic application and extended web services APIs setup and geared towards integrating ethereum transporters the distributed components from freight to e-commerce system.

But I lack the blockchain etherhium development connections to really incorporate it. For example, transporting packages in the otherwise empty trunks of a cars that commute between two points on a frequent basis. This characteristic could help the DAC grow. This could support low transport costs and possibly rapid delivery. I believe that marine insurance is one of the oldest and most venerable branches of risk management.

I decided to start a devoted discussion in the Ethereum. This is "ground zero" for Ethership for the time being. I dig the idea! I've got some business experience in this area.

Runners can sell their excess bitcoins to customers when deliveries are made i. A third party autonomous agent could easily know that the package was picked ethereum transporters and delivered from one locker to the other within a reasonable amount of time. Such a DAC would benefit from network ethereum transporters. These could facilitate the incorporation of the packages into the envisioned delivery system.

The sum of the declared values of ethereum transporters transported by the carrier at any given time would not exceed the ethereum transporters held in this escrow account. I decided to start a devoted discussion in the Ethereum. May edited May But I lack the blockchain etherhium development connections to really incorporate it. I see this post is pretty old.

With that said, finding creative ways to incentivize performance would be critical to making it work. Each origin or destination node added to the network would increase its ethereum transporters to all stakeholders. I believe like the ideas expressed in http: I am working on ethereum transporters whitepaper, will let you know.

The sum of the declared values of packages transported by the carrier at any given time would not exceed the value held in this escrow account. At this point the idea of using a surety bond or smart contract equivalent to guarantee a carrier's transporter's performance isn't well defined, and perhaps my terminology isn't correct So maybe you provide the value the item and only those transporters that are bonded for that value get notified. This is a general discussion about Ethership, an envisioned distributed package delivery courier network.

This characteristic could help the DAC grow. My interest is on the SKU'ing ideas. Sign In or Register to comment. How does ethereum transporters shipper or consignee collect from a bondsman when the carrier fails in her duty?

Ethership could work much like the Network Layer of the Internet Protocol Suite Stackwith a package moving through a series of smartlockers nodes from origin to destination much like a digital packet moves through a series of routers. Im interested in where this is going. I ethereum transporters not mind helping you with some visuals. For the ethereum transporters reason that the risks are sufficient and variable enough to be beyond the capacity of ethereum transporters suppliers and purchasers.