Exmouth market night manufacturing

Environmental Health Services aim to ensure high standards of environmental health and to promote healthy living and work practices throughout the Shire of Exmouth. Some areas of environmental health also operate under the Shire of Exmouth Local Laws. Environmental Health Officers provide assistance and information on a wide range of services directed at the maintenance, promotion, and improvement of public and environmental health.

These services are grouped into the following broad program areas:. Environmental Nuisance and Pollution. Environmental Exmouth market night manufacturing Officers inspect public accommodation premises such as lodging houses, hotels, motels, bed and breakfast accommodation, caravan parks and camping exmouth market night manufacturing on a regular basis.

Premises that provide accommodation are required to be licensed or registered with the local government. For more information on applying for a licence please contact the Shire's Environmental Health Department on 08 Application for a Lodging House.

Asbestos is a naturally occurring fibrous crystalline mineral, found in rock formations. Three main types of asbestos have been mined in Australian, including crocidolite blue asbestosamosite brown asbestos and chrysotile white asbestos. Asbestos cement products were commonly manufactured in WA from to exmouth market night manufacturing The use of crocidolite ceased in Most uses of amosite ceased in May The use of chrysotile asbestos was phased out between and Manufacturing of all asbestos products ceased in Asbestos cement products were commonly used in exmouth market night manufacturing during the establishment of Exmouth and as a result, many current buildings may contain asbestos.

Asbestos is a hazardous material. Strict requirements for the removal of asbestos must be followed. Please go to the Department of Health and the Worksafe websites for further information. There is also a handy online course developed by Cancer Council Australia which helps to get to know asbestos.

Please click this link for Asbestos removal and disposal information sheet. Beauty therapy covers the various types of activities; hairdressing, skin penetration and waxing. These establishments are required to notify the Shire of where the activities are being conducted and obtain approval. These can include things such as ensuring public safety, the provision of bins, toilets and water.

Under the Health Public Exmouth market night manufacturing Regulationsoutdoor events are considered public buildings. Event organisers are to provide sufficient waste disposal exmouth market night manufacturing relevant to the expected attendance. Applicants intending to sell food at the event must complete the Temporary Food Business Form at least 2 weeks prior to the event.

Please refer to the Food Safety section of our website for additional requirements. Under the Environmental Protection Noise Regulationsnoise levels are to comply with the levels set out in those regulations.

Environmental Nuisance and Pollution control, involves the investigation and resolution of nuisance and pollution issues. This often involves the mediation of neighbour-to-neighbour conflicts and may require the investigation of businesses when formal complaints have been received.

Property owners are responsible for ensuring that the activities conducted on their property do not have a negative impact on neighbouring properties, residences and the environment. The Health Act and Exmouth market night manufacturing Protection Act empower the Shire to issue notices in instances whereby a nuisance is deemed to be occurring.

The nature of environmental nuisance concerns investigated by the Environmental Health Section includes the following:. If you have a concern in relation to the above about a neighbouring property or a property within the Shire please submit a complaint in writing to the Shire office. Noise is not only annoying but can cause stress, which ultimately impacts on health.

Noise is regulated by the Environmental Protection Noise Regulations which exmouth market night manufacturing allowable levels of specific land use areas Eg residential versus industrial. Various types of noise exmouth market night manufacturing regulated by different bodies. In some cases it may be necessary for exmouth market night manufacturing to conduct noise monitoring to resolve a dispute. The Shires pest control program is focused mainly on combating fly breeding at the rubbish tip, baiting or eliminating exmouth market night manufacturing or potential mosquito breeding areas and spraying for adult mosquitoes when necessary.

In relation to mosquito breeding, residents can assist by checking their yards and surrounds. Some of the common backyard breeding sites to look out for include: If you have a mosquito problem exmouth market night manufacturing your home or place of business it is more than likely to be a localised problem caused by one or more of the above factors. As mosquitoes can be vectors of debilitating and even potentially fatal diseases, it is very important that the community take responsible action to eliminate breeding sites around the home and work place.

A public building is any building, or part of a building where people assemble. Public buildings also include tents, enclosures, platforms and in the case of some events can temporarily include outdoor areas such as ovals.

Public buildings are inspected for public safety by the Shire Environmental Health Officers. It is important for public buildings to have correct exit paths and lighting so that public safety is ensured in the case of an emergency. Public buildings exmouth market night manufacturing to be registered with the Shire. For further information and to apply please contact our Environmental Health Officer on 08 Australians have come to expect and take for granted the provision of safe water.

Water quality not only applies to drinking water but also to recreational water eg: Contact with contaminated recreational water exmouth market night manufacturing still make a person sick. For this reason, guidelines for bacterial and chemical levels are set for not only drinking water but also recreational water bodies.

There are a number of exmouth market night manufacturing ways to make water safe to drink. These can include filtration to remove bacteria eg: Reverse osmosis and disinfection such as chlorination. All drinking water sources from commercial operations eg: Caravan parks that are not connected to town water are tested monthly by the Shire to ensure safe water for the public.

Town water is managed and tested by Water Corporation. The chlorine levels as well as the pH levels are also monitored. For further information please contact the Shire's Environmental Health Officer on Privacy Policy Disclaimer Accessibility Notice.

These services are grouped into the following broad program areas: The following are requirements under the above regulations: Environmental Nuisance and Pollution Environmental Nuisance and Pollution control, involves the investigation and resolution of nuisance and pollution issues.

The nature of environmental nuisance concerns investigated by the Environmental Health Section includes the following: Noise Pollution Air pollution Environmental pollution Odour nuisance Sewerage nuisance If you have a concern in relation to the above about a neighbouring property or a property within the Shire please submit a complaint in writing to the Shire office.

Noise Pollution Noise is not only annoying but can cause stress, which ultimately impacts on health. Public Buildings A public building is any building, or part of a building where people assemble. Drinking Water There are a number of different ways to make water safe to drink. Contact Us Phone 08 General Office:

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