Holy redeemer church exmouth market

This venue is situated in Islington. The venue is not situated on a road which has a steep gradient. There is a bus stop within m yds of the venue. The nearest mainline station is Faringdon. The nearest underground station is Faringdon.

The venue does not have its own car park. There is not a car park for public use within m approx. On Street Parking and Drop-off Details. On street marked Blue Badge bays are not available. There is not a designated drop off point.

Outside Access Church Entrance. This information is for the entrance located at the front of the building. There is level access into the venue. The main doors open towards you pull. The doors are double width. The doors are permanently held open. The door opening is cm 3ft 11in wide. Second set of doors. There is a second set of doors. The doors open towards you pull. The doors are heavy.

The door opening is cm 4ft 3in wide. There is not level access into the venue. Bulletin sheets show at least one mass every day with intentions and the rosary on Saturday. There is a daily intercessions list, including dioceses abroad and parishes in London, streets in the parish, the sick and the departed. This is an area of terraced Georgian and Victorian housing, with modern infill. There are signs of gentrification in some of the terraces.

What was the name of the service? How full was the building? The service was in the Lady Chapel behind the main altar, which could hold 24, together with assorted seats for celebrants. The altar is on the east wall and the chapel holds more candles and relics, a Pieta, St Pancras and the Holy Child of Prague with smart clothes , and lots of icons. When we started, I was the only person in the congregation, but shortly afterwards we were joined by a woman and a little girl.

Did anyone welcome you personally? When I entered the church I heard people talking behind the high altar, then a priest emerged and said, "Welcome, are you here for the healing mass?

Was your pew comfortable? There were standard wooden seats and thin kneelers. How would you describe the pre-service atmosphere? What were the exact opening words of the service?

Healing Mass Roman rite with the sacrament of healing — a booklet produced by the church. What musical instruments were played? Did anything distract you? The service was punctuated by shouts, howls and bangs from the street outside.

Was the worship stiff-upper-lip, happy clappy, or what? Very high church, eastward facing the celebrant had his back to the congregation to celebrate the mass. Everything was done with intense care. Before the healing rite and after a moment or two of a silence so profound you could hear your hair growing, the curate sang, perfectly and unaccompanied, the plainchant, "Come Holy Ghost our souls inspire". During the healing, the celebrant's hands became very hot on my head, which I have been told by priests happens from time to time, independent of the officiant.

Exactly how long was the sermon? On a scale of , how good was the preacher? In a nutshell, what was the sermon about? The passion and the resurrection narratives, read together, make them more a part of ordinary life. We know we and our loved ones will die, we hope it will be painless, we hope it will be a good death, but this does not lessen the pain of bereavement. When people are sick or dying, what can you say? All we can do is hold their names in the context of the daily mass, where bread is broken and wine poured out.

The context of the mass alone is where things make sense.