How to make money mining litecoin

What is the incentive to mine Litecoin? With Cloud Mining, and the cut-down of contracts to one or two years, calculations show that you will break even, at best. Then, you are hoping it will work as it is supposed to. Add to that the cost of electricity. It sounds like you are probably just going to break even there too. So, what is the incentive to keep up the Litecoin blockchain if there is little hope of profitability? The same seems to follow for other alt coins.

Now do your math…the price is going up my friend and way way higher than you might think…u just gotta buy and wait and buy how to make money mining litecoin more…and mine and buy some more…. So, the profitability of Litecoin mining is all about the price of Litecoin going up. Otherwise, what do you think about Cloud Mining?

Calculation wise, you can see what I was talking about. And, if you think Cloud Mining would be good, do you have any how to make money mining litecoin as to who I should use? I am set up to do Bitcoin mining.

Genesis is currently out of Litecoin mining, and the Bitcoin mining sign ups went quickly! But, I would like to do Litecoin too, and appreciate your help and insights on this! Most of us mine to secure the network and for future profit because it only matters how much the coin is worth when you sell it…until then its just a digital coin.

I mine at a loss because I am securing the network where I store the value of my money…and I just like Litecoin and Bitcoin…regardless of value. I have been investing in the stock and bond markets for two decades. And, I am definitely buy and hold. I am actually looking at solar power. I live in the American South, and we get some strong sun.

Again, it is an investment where you are putting down a fair amount of money at first. Then, you wait as the slow return of investment happens over time. With solar, I could go with an Antminer, and have the electricity come from my panels, which would add value to my getting solar in the first place.

It does sound like all Cloud Miners have their issues. So, I can at least see how it goes for me! What have been your experiences with it?

Do you how to make money mining litecoin it well built and reliable? It would be definitely a much larger investment, so I would want to know better what I am getting into before I get into it. I personally have zeus miners and gridseeds I got off ebay…I am saving for an a4 dominator or 2 a2 terminators since the prices are getting more reasonable…you got the idea with the solar powered miner…a few guys have done that…I read an article today about a wind turbine that powers a computer that mines and donates the profits to wind power research…there is also a company who made a water heater bitcoin miner…it uses the heat from the miner to heat the water…so yeah….

I do see the Gridseeds on ebay all the time. I guess they went out of business, just like most mining hardware makers. It sounds like Bitmain is the only larger-scale mining hardware company that is still going. I am looking to build a new computer when Black Friday comes around in two months. I was thinking of getting a fast processor and a fast GPU so I can play with mining on how to make money mining litecoin. If you need a good fan, http: The reviewers there have good technical knowledge, and you can be sure to get what you are looking for.

When it comes to trading, I have different crypto, and plan on holding, unless I want to make purchases with it. I am hoping to add crypto through mining and see how it goes down the line. I use the g-blade girdseeds just because they are a better deal than the 5 chip versions…however the 5 chip versions dual mine bitcoin and litecoin…where my g-blades and my Usb Dual miner just mine litecoin…nice thing about gridseeds is that pretty much every piece of minig software out there has support for a giridseed and seems to be the most efficient option for litecoin besides bitmain and innsilicon.

I earned my first payout from 1 gpu and how to make money mining litecoin on a desktop and 2 old cpus I had sitting around and 2 cell cell phones…only. What is the Incentive to Mine Litecoin?

I have only been working with crypto for a month now. So, I have how to make money mining litecoin lot of questions. Thank you for your responses and insights on this! If so, are the miners reliable? I have heard of issues with them. Thank you again for your help! I use the g-blade girdseeds just because they are a better deal than the 5 chip versions…however the 5 chip versions dual mine bitcoin and litecoin…where my g-blades and my Usb Dual miner just mine litecoin…nice thing about gridseeds is that pretty much every piece of minig software out there has support for a giridseed and seems to be the most efficient option for litecoin besides bitmain and innsilicon btw… if your gonna build a mining rig…look at mining Monero…its the only CPU coins worth a damn…my 6 core cpu makes more than my ti gpu…I am building a 6 GPU mining rig currently specifically for monero and Zcash mining how to make money mining litecoin found the fan I need and newegg is the only ones who can order the exact fan they used when they built this miner…that wattage differences makes it cut off after a while because the rpms arent high enough…any way…good luck.