If there is a general shortage of liquidity in the money market then

These models assert that international factors can play a particularly important role in increasing domestic financial vulnerability and likelihood of a liquidity crisis. Retrieved from " https: These include cash reserve ratio CRRstatutory liquidity ratio SLRrepo, reverse repo, discount window, moral suasion, as well as direct intervention and plain and simple jawboning.

Hence, they have a tendency to lend as much as their borrowers demand. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Individuals could be broke for personal motives or events, but they might also find themselves at one end of the chain of a general liquidity crisis, losing their job or home, as the subprime crisis has shown. Commercial banks claim that they are suffering from severe liquidity crunch. Empirical evidence points towards widening price differentials, during periods of liquidity shortage, among assets that are otherwise alike, but differ in terms of their asset market liquidity.

More from this author Monetary policy and the price of appeasement National Saving Certificates: The onset of capital outflows can have particularly destabilising consequences for emerging markets. Such rare but extreme and generalized domino effects are called systemic crises. Plots of broad money M2 and price level or changes therein may depict high correlation, but that does not necessarily mean a strong casual flow from the former to the latter.

Liquidity squeeze, credit crunch, market illiquidity, bankruptcy. Modi and Xi set laudable objectives but the devil is in the implementation Marriage: This was seen as one of the aftermaths of the famous subprime crisis already mentioned above.

When there is a high demand for credit, interest rates rise and the profitability of lending rises. The business lacks money to repay them and thus is in a situation of default. Typically, during a liquidity crisis, the interbank lending market does not function smoothly either.

One of the mechanisms, that can work to amplify the effects of a small negative shock to the economy, is the Balance Sheet Mechanism. If it were not for the required liquidity ratio, the banks would have lent or invested as much as they could even at the risk of being caught illiquid. In addition it also raised the CRR by 1 percentage point in December to 6 percent, which implied that the reserve requirement increased by nearly Tk crore.