Litecoin vs bitcoin 2013 honda

Smoothie again doesn't know all of the details of why, what, when, or how. Smoothie is a very mean spirited individual that will stick a knife in your back and twist it at you lowest moment. All of my donations to the Litecoin development team have been no strings attached. Anywhere in between a minute and two and a half minute block time litecoin vs bitcoin 2013 honda not suffer from the things that Litecoin says will happen if they litecoin vs bitcoin 2013 honda any faster, at least not to the point where it is a huge problem. Who is he to say such a thing?

As I have stated I am broke, just moved in with family, depressed, etc Mage asked me why I was so hostile, so I explained the reason. CoinHoarder on June 23, Prior to his coin business his attitude was not that, litecoin vs bitcoin 2013 honda now it appears to be so.

I wish one day I can be like him. No one is required to be at a certain place at a certain time. I am still deciding, but there's no reason why I couldn't support a few or all of these projects.

I do not hold anything back, as you should probably be able to tell by now. I am a pretty laid back guy, but now that Smoothie is launching a smear campaign against me I feel the need to litecoin vs bitcoin 2013 honda myself and my reasoning, and prove that I did have real substantial reasons for not supporting Litecoin anymore. Smoothie knew all of this, yet he still pressed on to try and ruin me. Are you a financial advisor?

That couldn't be further from the truth. And you think newer code bases for other coins which have not been as extensively tested for flaws would be a better choice? It is his choice and I respect that but I'm the type of thick skinned individual that doesn't run away at the first sign of opposition. Litecoin vs bitcoin 2013 honda is just another case of Smoothie speaking of things he knows nothing about.

Is that really my fault? And you think newer code bases for other coins which have not been as extensively tested for flaws would litecoin vs bitcoin 2013 honda a better choice? Who is he to say such a thing? So because in your view Charles didn't "support" your physical coin efforts in the way that you had expected you are going to complain about it? For once I agree with you.

Completely ignoring their user base and someone that has gone out of his way to support Litecoin time and time again? This is something I cared very deeply about and I thought it was necessary that Litecoin make some changes to stay relevant. The genie is out of the bottle.

Smoothie is a very mean spirited individual that will stick a knife in your back and twist it at you lowest moment. If you read my good bye post, it sounded like I would not be coming back- because I was not planning to. All of my litecoin vs bitcoin 2013 honda to the developers have been no strings attached, I just happened to be trying to gather litecoin vs bitcoin 2013 honda for some of my ideas and I suggested they come take a look at my thread when I made the donation. I am certain he has no heart and is a horrible human being. Completely ignoring their user base and someone that has gone out of his way to support Litecoin time and time again?

In no certain order Complaining that mining is a fool's game sounds like your version of not looking at the risks of mining before investing and now hind-sight is getting the best of you. Nothing is stopping you forming a team and doing this yourself.