Minare bitcoin con gpuz

Get ready for a flood of GPUs on eBay when Ethereum close if you plan on selling your hardware if you were planning on bailing and not doing another alt coin. Can you please advise me? For example, if Ethereum becomes difficult to mine on GPUs later this year, my investment would be for nothing, correct?

However, if it is possible to switch to another digital currency, WHY would you expect to see all the GPUs flood the market ebay? Why would you not expect every miner out there to switch the zcash etc?

Is there a better currency to look at starting with when building a new rig in? Is different hardware better for zcash vs bitcion Matt Nathan Kirsch Matt, You have all valid questions and concerns. There are certainly some risks, but most all investments have some inherent risk. If you build quickslver mining check this out and this all crumbles down the road you should be able to sell your system and get some of the money back out of it.

Even if ETH mining becomes a thing of the powwer in the coins you mined might make it worthwhile. You can end up with 24 coins this year. So, where is the alt coin market headed?

Some folks are very bullish about these currencies — http: Stress kills and your personal and mental health is priceless. MD Excellent reply, thanks so much. Who will continue to process the blockchain and find more coins?

This post can get you going — https: Thank you again for some great information. So the only way to make more money, is to have a lot of money invested in wuicksilver first place hold more coins.

Would a high power GPU be useless? Enio hi, the 7. Nathan Lynch Unfortunately I have the hasing very low hashrate on a newtried different drivers No driver can fix that. I looked into every tutorial I found on youtube. Do you mind pointing me into the right direction? Has anyone encountered this issue too? Thank you in advance for your help.

Nathan Kirsch Assuming you are wanting to pool mine… First you need to make a wallet. Something like MyEtherWallet works https: You then need to join a pool like Ethermine https: Should take about minutes to get going with a setup like that. Hope this helps and I am running Windows 10 v on all my mining rigs.

Is necessary to perform extra configuration for Claymore dual mining? Categories Popular Bitcoin hashrate chart music Bitcoin miner wallet Starting bitcoin miner Mining cloud service model Bitcoin mining online wallet with shoulder News Free mining os homens Best free cloud mining bitcoin 64 bit. Best cloud mining bitcoin hyperdunk. It looks like you're new here. If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons! August in Mining. Ok, So first off, my philosophy is a bit different from others here, maybe most.

Also, I'm lazy and old so I usually just get my code from the repos or as debs. I run 12 cards in 6 rigs standard cases actually, but I've been the whole crate route in the past. Currently I'm hitting about Mhs and I don't pay for electricity. Reporting 36 Mhs for the pair and averaging 35Mhs as actual.

And yesterday I took delivery of 2 Gigabyte 6GB cards to finish my final rig. Hashrate should be about the same - eventually. Less happy this time. So I posted a couple of reviews on Newegg. Fast , cool Bang for the buck Rock solid 18Mhs at stock with Linux and ethminer from repos. Bang for the buck? Because the gamers love them so much? A card you cannot SLI?

Is it Newegg or MSI? Way to gouge buddy. Undervolt to 70 watts - yes! So I have a card which actually produces 1 degree c of heat for every watt of power it uses. Of the 12 Nvidia cards that I run the next hottest is a classy at 59c, and that sits right on top of a ti. Like a pizza oven. Buy one of these for Xmas - give it to someone you hate. This is NOT a qc issue, this is by design - shoddy design and a fu attitude. No refunds, no exchanges, RMA for two more of the same.

Cost of shipping, loss of use. Just have to wait until the fans burn out - which they will. Then RMA and sell the new cards to a gamer. And add Gigabyte to my shitlist. I have acquired a lone for testing. My farm has more than 50 AMD cards.

So I would say that I have a fair bit of experience with mining. They all run under Linux just fine. So, I tried compiling for cuda mining and I can't get it right. In the end had to install Windows before I could get the going. Can you point out what exactly you downloaded to get it working in Linux?

You may not actually need ethereum if you are just mining but it's a habit I have now and I sometimes use geth. Then open a terminal and - ethminer --farm-recheck -G -F http: But increasing driver problems and the introduction of the Maxwell cores sent me to team blue. Genoil's Cuda only works on Ubuntu But there are no AMD drivers available for The image I posted is from the Nvidia-smi utility which is excellent but you have to set fixed values for the fan speeds Hope that helps.

Thanks for taking the time to explain. Looks like you are using the original ethminer rather than genoil's. I should try that. And definitely go with Vaudreuil - I bought the single fan Gigabyte gtx here: They both ran at 66c with stock settings, so maybe you got a bad Gigabyte card? I don't know why a two fan version would run so hot.

Unfortunately when I put it in a Win 10 Pro machine, with the same drivers, and cuda toolkit, it will not mine correctly.. September edited September Ill tip ya if it works out because I think I am switching to NVidia because of the better resale value down the road. They are better cards for gamers.. Much faster than a too.. Nice efficiency comparison here. Maybe the MSI has better memory.