Nxt robot catapult

What can I say? This hungry little fellow is a picky eater. He is very hungry. If you don't feed nxt robot catapult often, he asks for food. Clearly, the most appropriate food for him is paper pellets.

But whenever I feed him, he objects nxt robot catapult spits it out. More seriously, I built it to demonstrate the NXT to students and colleagues. I felt that a rude robot would be more memorable than a polite one.

That meant one thing: Throwing something that was either dangerous or valuable was out of the question, but paper pellets are fine. For the Lego purists: I wanted it to be compact, which ruled out using large trebuchet or a catapult.

When searching for Lego robots that throw things, I found Philo 's amazing Hammerhead. I used the same throwing principle, but a different feeding mechanism.

It detects the white pellets using the light sensor this is why the throat area is completely black, to make the pellets easily visible. Once it sees a pellet in its mouth, it starts spinning the wheels, waits for them to spin fast, nxt robot catapult then opens his throat. The pellet falls into the spinning wheels and gets thrown out. Spitter is very reliable, even though the pellets are not identical.

If you feed him more than one pellet, they usually all get ejected. A two-year old niece tested it very thoroughly.

Most of the time, he did not disappoint her. My kids are older, so they got bored more quickly than her. Thomas Midtskog built a variant of Spitter and sent me this description and picture: I found your robot on the net, and have tried building a similar robot, and after a bit of work due to some buggy compiler, I've now finally made it work.

Here is a photo of the robot. I made some changes to the throat-mechanism nxt robot catapult I didn't have nxt robot catapult same pieces as you made it from, and I had nxt robot catapult black parts at all.

What I did to make up for this was cut out a small piece of black paper and put it against the wall where the light sensor nxt robot catapult. I also found out that the robot was having problems operating in bright daylight. I'm sure this could be corrected by adjusting the light level where the robot reacts to the white paper pellet though.

It's been very popular with the employees here, so perhaps we might work a bit further on it and make it into some kind of dispenser, including the use of the touch button in some way or another. Here are a few more pictures of the construction. But when he senses the food in his mounth, he gets upset and his wheels start spinning. He tries to swallow nxt robot catapult can see the throat openningbut then spits his food.

Design a machine to throw a small plastic ball as far as possible. Or nxt robot catapult high as possible. Or as accurately as possible. The choice is up to you. In your submission, tell us which goal you designed your launcher for—distance, height, or accuracy—and show us how it works but be sure to aim it away from people! March 1, Due date: Hi, my name is Alex.

This is my fourth time entering the challenge. Heres our mach Dr. It shoots for accuaracy not power. Our ball shooter in action! Three brains, seven motors, five sensors, two pairs of eyes, an extended ball shooter, armor, a battering ram, and steering. They have used three motors to throw their ball among a football goal. This is a Mindstorms project for the Dr E Challenges http: This is Luis Miguel and this is his catapult, built with two Lego Mindstorms motors. The catapult throws a nxt robot catapult.

Luis Miguel has built a catapult with Lego Mindstorms. We are Malina nxt robot catapult Marusia. This time we created catapult. Look at the basket for batteries under the turntable. As we said — heavy batteries made our robot more stable. Without it — catapult jump!

Have a look how nxt robot catapult works! Our remote contains two sensors — color sensor and touch […]. This is my ball thrower. So i made this. March 31, Rules: Ball Shooter with 3 Brains! Our remote contains two sensors — color sensor nxt robot catapult touch […] Read More.

Scott March 26, 1 Comment Ball Thrower.