Open source blockchain

Gateways create 2-way pegging between two Openchain instances. They can also peg the Openchain instance as a sidechain of the Bitcoin Blockchain. What are the use cases?

Openchain is a generic register of ownership. It can be modelled to work with an immense number of use cases: Securities like stocks and bonds, commodities like gold and oil, currencies like the Dollar or even Bitcoin.

Titles of ownership like land titles, music or software licensing. Gift cards and loyalty points. Try the wallet Because an Openchain node exposes a simple HTTP endpoint, it's easy to build a wallet or client application, but we are providing a basic open source wallet for testing purposes.

Try the basic Openchain wallet. Connect to the development server provided by Coinprism, or see below to spin up your own server.

Create your own server instance It only takes a few seconds to spin up a new instance of Openchain server. Create an instance, and use it to issue your own digital asset, and distribute it to people. Openchain is free and open source: Real-Time Transaction confirmation and account settlement doesn't take 3 days, or even 10 minutes.

Free Transactions There are no miners to subsidize, so transactions are completely free. For you, and for your users. Highly Scalable By skipping the inefficiencies of proof-of-work, Openchain can process thousands of transactions per second.

Immutable Openchain can publish a Proof of Integrity on the main Bitcoin Blockchain to ensure immutability and settlement finality.

Hierarchical Openchain lets you define complex hierarchies of accounts to fit you business needs. Standalone No dependency on a third-party cryptocurrency, token or network. Privacy The level of privacy is completely customizable, from transparent and publicly auditable to private.

Decentralized There is no central ledger. Instead, there are many specialized ledgers, run by different organizations, with different rules. Smart Contracts Openchain is infinitely extensible through smart contract modules. Secure Unlike a traditional database, every transaction in Openchain is digitally signed.

Last week Emiel from Web3Scan joined our little community and he had this to say: After watching the first 3 episodes of our initiative he believes Web3scan complements the group by focussing on de DB layer, specifically by building large dbs by harvesting and indexing all data of the various networks.

This should result in SQL queryable dbs aimed to assist developers, academia, researchers and operators of consortium networks. In the short term they do not plan to develop a user interface public web interface or API , or a method to decentralize building the DB. In our opinion this distracts from the NOW component. They are aware that this requires some trust in our services, but data can of course be verified by making sample tests with other sources.

His next move is to make preparations to harvest and index these networks in their relational DB model. This next friday will be a really good one, lots of demos If you want to join, please reach out to me! If you want to watch, I will post the link here. Then a Fireside chat to finish it off. I just want to mention https: With Clixplorer I was able to deploy a testnet on a single small cloud instance with all major components since there is no need for PoW and the CPU can serve all the different webservices from the same instance instead of being busy doing the mining.

No I found it because I was searching for an open source explorer and also found your thread this way, too. I will only do a pull request for Clixplorer to have better installation and configuration documentation.

Elixir is very nice for web servers. A generic way of querying all eth events. Our seventh call… and maybe the most exciting one yet goes live in 5 minutes. There are 2 AWESOME Open Source Block Explorers currently under development, and every 2 weeks on Friday we have an open call Inspired by the plasma call where the people working on projects similar projects can feel welcome to attend ;-D If you would like an invite to the telegram where we organize, please message me Links!

POA Network is one of the 2 teams working on this, if you are interested in what they are working on: