Primecoin wallet ubuntu desktop

Test it out before disabling password logins. No such file or directory make: How is the altcoin wallet balance initialized? In bitcoin core, there is a bitcoin-cli with -regtest generate to initially create blocks. Skip to content Photo Credit: Tiger Pixel - Bitcoin. Method 1 PPA the easy way, works for bitcoin only First we update the operating system and install the necessary packages for building our wallet.

Change SSH port It can be a good idea to chage the default ssh port. I have an error. No such file or directory if my command is: I am also stuck with the litcoind password. We will go with the cheapest option. Congrats on breaking the xpm mark on global stats. Would you not recommend mining with a laptop?

Hello, Once everything is ready can I close the the terminal. This is after 50min nonstop. Sign up desktop an account at ypool. I guess I should have anticipated it but I really didn't think we'd ubuntu this controversial. Can I see somewhere how many chains and length I did with primecoin worker?

They seems a bit low. Pool going to mining this because some people don't know:. How to pool mine Primecoin XPM I am not going to mess with it anymore I'll either wait for a fix, and community feedback that this appears to be safe code, or use an open source miner.

It would at least be nice to know something about who this dev is and their reputation. This is one way that hacks can happen and people can get their machines compromised and lose their coins.

I read that having multiple versions of glibc on the same system is tricky. I'm just gonna wait for something open source to come along. A new version has been uploaded with different linking. Please try it out if you arent too discouraged already. Was going to try to get 2. But not being a Linux expert I don't want to hose the system. We've put up a new version with different linking.

Please try that out and see if it works for you. Can I see somewhere how many chains and length I did with my worker?

This information would be great for me. I've been running this since Tuesday this week and I have to say I'm impressed with the speed. My only suggestion would be better documentation on what arguments can be added via batch file for the windows client.

Things like this could make it more inviting. Not everyone is an expert: Hey we restarted the server and crashed some clients at 2: Because of this we added a bonus for all miners on when it occured block If you wake up to a crashed client could you please let us know what operating system you are running? I need the x86 build for workstations at work, they all run quad cores on XP, 32 bit: Using beeer miner now, its extgremely slow, 20 times slower than their x64 build.

Running in bit mode a bit capable x86 processor has 16 scalar integer architecture registers with each bit wide. If you run that same processor in bit mode you're down to 8 register that are bit wide.

That's a quartering of data you can hold in your architectural registers. I'll look into making a bit version - no guarantees though. Its much harder then just setting some compiler flags. They have numerous stability fixes. Older clients have issues reconnecting if they lose their connection to the server. Primecoin is different from a lot of other coins. It requires confirmations before you can spend them after you have mined them. Each confirmation takes about a minute.

We would like to payout quicker. We may implement a payment inside of the mined blocks themselves, ala eligius for BTC. I prefer this method because your earnings actually show up as mined earnings. However its somewhat complicated and could also add latency to the server end so we arent sure on it yet. By the way I hope you notice a nice bump in profitability with the new server! I think server performance is very underlooked despite having a huge impact.

Could you implement a worker overview, or how can i see with how many workers i'm working on the same payout-address? People often overlook that its not just client performance that matters but server as well.