Pyramid scheme bitcoin value

Bitcoin Interest is one of many hard forks to be pyramid scheme bitcoin value on February 22, They claim to be a Proof of Work system that will give interest pyramid scheme bitcoin value to those who park their holdings for a period of time. The whole value proposition is that the coin will mimic an interest-bearing savings account, not to make transactions.

This leads to many questioning the authenticity of the fork, especially with the recent news of bitconnect being a ponzi scheme. The three elements are 1 a nonexistent enterprise, 2 quick returns to first investors using money from later investors, 3 high return, no risk.

They say that, just like a savings account, BCI will reward interest to those that park hold their coin for a period of time. Banks use depositors money to make more money pyramid scheme bitcoin value giving it to entrepreneurs who create economic value. So how can BCI afford to give interest? At least not interest that has any real economic value. No matter how many times they compare themselves to banks, Bitcoin Interest is not a bank.

Let me ask you something: Since BCI is PoW, what will happen when every coin has been mined, and therefore interest payment coins will cease to generate? But remember, the whole point of BCI is to save! Point of Stake only works if people have a reason to transact the coins, but with BCI the incentive is to hold.

The developers could pyramid scheme bitcoin value eliminating the supply-limitation of 21 million coins and begin generating coins to reward stakers, but this act will inherently inflate the coin and cause no real change in value. Bitcoin Interest promises a constant stream of interest as long as you park, or keep, your coins in their wallet. What if the entire world pyramid scheme bitcoin value decided to invest all of their money into BCI?

There would be no one else to help contribute to the interest pool. The result will create winners and losers. The first ones to dump their coins before the market realizes they were duped wins. There will be lack of liquidity since so few people are willing to buy the coin. The ones who will be making a significant amount of money are the founders, who are keeping almost 1 million coins.

BCI is preying on the risk-averse pyramid scheme bitcoin value. They claim in one pyramid scheme bitcoin value their marketing videos: The truth of the matter is that cryptocurrencies are aeons more risky compared to financial bank lending. If someone thought the crypto market is too risky, offering them a few extra percent interest on their capital will be useless. The only customer demographic left are the ones who are not educated enough to know how the banking system works, and who are blinded by the promise of consistent interest payments.

It looks like Bitcoin Interest hit all the boxes for being a Ponzi Scheme, and for that, Coindigo is awarding them with our first ever Ponzi Scheme Award! The value of the coin rises as more people buy in, causing the founders to become filthy rich.

Associates Degree from Cabrillo Community College. Bachelors at Texas Tech University. Pyramid scheme bitcoin value now, it should be blatantly pyramid scheme bitcoin value that investing in BCI would be a poor choice.

The founders think just because they can throw some money into marketing that people are going to buy their garbage. Check it out here. We are also building a library of scamcoins, which can be found here. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email.

What is a Ponzi Scheme? Quick returns from first investors using money from later investors Bitcoin Interest promises a constant stream of interest as long as you park, or keep, your coins in their wallet. High returns, no risk BCI is preying on the risk-averse investors. President presumably Self-prescribed Nickname: Team member Self-prescribed Nickname: Price Analysis of Bitcoin and Ethereum. Scaling to New Heights With Ardor. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.

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Welch holds the J. Fred Weston Chair in Finance. Digital currencies, in their current form, should be prohibited by law. And not because they are a Ponzi pyramid scheme bitcoin value which they areand not because they can pyramid scheme bitcoin value facilitate criminal activity which they dobut because they incur colossal social waste.

This waste is energy. The media organization Diginomics estimates that the energy consumption to fuel bitcoin is equivalent to the consumption of pyramid scheme bitcoin value under 2 million average U. For clarity, let me keep the discussion here to bitcoin, which consists of two separate pieces.

Mining is what creates bitcoins in the first place. It is the running of a computer algorithm to solve a mathematical problem. For the record, mining has absolutely nothing to do with making the currency secure.

No, the purpose of mining is perverse: If pyramid scheme bitcoin value were easy to solve, everyone could manufacture bitcoins aplenty. Why does scarcity matter? Anything that exists in unlimited amounts cannot be worth very much. Sand is not worth a lot in California. There is too much of it. But the reverse is not the case.

Scarcity in itself is not enough. For example, my left thumb print is scarce, but it has no intrinsic real value. Bitcoins are scarce, but they have no intrinsic value. When one pulls back the curtain, the bitcoin hashing problem really has only its one nefarious purpose: It exists to provide the mystery of complex mathematics to confuse and help hide the true benefits of the hashing solutions i.

An important part of the deception is that mining is mathematically guaranteed to become ever more expensive, as it gets harder to mine new bitcoins. Bitcoins are the ultimate Ponzi scheme. Proponents of digital currencies often argue that bitcoins make transactions more efficient and thereby create value. But even if you believe that, bitcoin has much higher costs than better alternatives. We already have plenty of good currencies and near-currencies such as credit that can play transaction-cost reducing roles.

And, unlike official currencies like the U. Using bitcoin is especially attractive in countries like China and India that have imposed currency controls that individuals want to circumvent. A Chinese local can purchase bitcoins on the local market, move them anonymously to the United States, and convert them back into dollars or store them.

It can be argued whether the ability to avoid currency controls creates social value or not. Bitcoin also brings risks. Standard channels of payment afford some safety against anonymous hacks. Banks offer some protection. Eventually, authorities will crack down on the illegal channels of currency controls pyramid scheme bitcoin value bitcoin, and the value of bitcoin will fall. Speculators and miners will then further drive down the value, and the bubble will collapse.

The last ones in the game of musical chairs will have nothing. Pyramid scheme bitcoin value I have a proposal that solves both the inefficient nay, stupid and useless creation of scarcity through mining, as well as the lack of a connection of bitcoin value with reality.

Rather than destroying electricity in order to hide the nefarious schemes of the bitcoin hustle, we should design a new kind of electronic currency that works almost like bitcoin but without the mining algorithm.

Creating these bittokens would cost about 3 cents, batteries included. Like bitcoin, we guarantee that new bittokens can be purchased pyramid scheme bitcoin value the same and ever-increasing price as it costs to mine bitcoin. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that our bittokens can be sold for the same price as bitcoin on the open market which we cannot control. This is not all bad. On the open market, bittokens may sell for more or less than bitcoins. But bittoken can guarantee something important that bitcoin cannot: The original bittoken buyer cannot lose!

Of course, there is a risk. There is one unique entry and exit site that administers and verifies new bittokens, manages the pyramid scheme bitcoin value dollar trust fund, and honors all redemption requests. If the trust fund were to go pyramid scheme bitcoin value, so would the bittoken redemption guarantee.

Any transactional efficiencies of bitcoin would apply to bittokens, too. Society would be better off. By not wasting electricity and using the money to make productive investments, the trust can produce social goods—creating jobs, fighting disease, building infrastructure, or encouraging energy efficiency. Bitcoin is an energy-wasting ponzi scheme There are better ways to reap the benefits of digital currencies — without the risk Ivo Welch October 24, Media Contact Elise Anderson elise.

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