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He invited her to practice improvisation in a hotel suite and she believes that while there, Cosby drugged and assaulted her. She said the attacks on her character when she came forward with her allegations underscored why victims don't report these crimes. There's so many that are still out there. And the MeToo movement is getting there. I want to see every single statute of limitations eliminated, abolished, for sexual assault. A person needs that time. We need that time. We now know today Prosecutors asked the judge to take Cosby into custody on Thursday, saying he had a private plane and could fly anywhere in the world, but the request was denied.

Fighting back tears, Montgomery County District Attorney Kevin Steele said during a post-trial press conference that Constand taking the witness stand and confronting Cosby for the second time was a feat of strength.

Cosby initially faced sexual assault charges in court last June, but jurors could not reach a unanimous decision after 52 hours of deliberation. The judge declared it a mistrial. This time around, the seven men and five women on the panel sat in the jury box of the Montgomery County Courthouse and listened to more than two weeks of testimony from 25 witnesses.

Some cried on the stand recounting how Cosby attacked them while they were in drug-induced stupors, and others attempted to discredit Constand by detailing instances of supposed deceit and inconsistencies. Constand, the only Cosby accuser whose case has triggered criminal charges, took the stand for the prosecution over two days, as she did during the first trial.

In addition to Constand, five women who have never before confronted Cosby in a criminal courtroom took the witness stand. They told the jury that the entertainer drugged and molested them in the s, stories that first came to light after prosecutors reopened Cosby's criminal case in That led more than 60 women to lodge sexual misconduct allegations against the television icon once known as "America's Dad. Through it all, jurors had a front-row seat to the lawyerly slugfest that pitted three prosecutors from suburban Philadelphia against a throng of defense attorneys led by Los Angeles-based Mesereau, who aggressively depicted Constand as a "con artist.

To bolster this argument, the defense called star witness Margo Jackson, who used to work with Constand at Temple University. Jackson was banned from testifying during the first trial, but the judge allowed her testimony this time. Jackson told jurors that Constand once confided in her that she had a plan to frame a wealthy celebrity with a made-up sexual assault claim "to get that money. Prosecutor Kristen Feden seized on the characterization of Constand as a scheming con artist during closing arguments, saying it was Cosby who deployed his wholesome TV image to gain the trust of women he planned to incapacitate and assault.

She strode across the courtroom pointing inches away from Cosby as he sat wide-eyed at the defense table. Constand told the court that enduring two publicity-heavy criminal trials "tore my family apart," yet when asked by prosecutor Feden why she agreed to take the stand again, Constand replied, "for justice. Constand faced withering questions from Mesereau on cross-examination, as part of a multipronged defense focused on shaking her credibility and that of the other witnesses.

He pushed Constand on why she had stayed in touch with Cosby after the incident and portrayed her as a desperate, cash-strapped pyramid scheme participant. Cosby's lawyers also suggested to jurors that the incident could not have happened the way she said it did, even hinting that there is a chance Cosby was not in the Philadelphia area around the time Constand said she was assaulted — though the defense did not issue an outright denial of the episode at the heart of the alleged crime.

Cosby has admitted that he and Constand had sexual contact in his house around , but he has long has maintained it was consensual. Legal observers have called the Cosby retrial a major test of the effects of the MeToo movement, the wave of allegations of sexual assault lodged against prominent media figures that erupted between Cosby's first and second trials. Chewbacca, also known as Chewwie, is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise, portrayed by Peter Mayhew.

He is depicted as a large, slug-like alien. He is one of the few Sanrio. Burns, is a recurring fictional character in the animated television series The Simpsons, who is.

He is the main antagonist of Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, portrayed by. He is a lobster-like alien from the planet Decapod 10, who immigrated to 30th. His black body, white eyes, and giant grin, coupled with the surrealism of the situations in which. Top Cat or simply T. He does respect the effort the gang does for him, but he often takes credit for it. That said, he is loyal to the gang and will help one of them if they need it. He also stops Officer Dibble from arresting him by lying to Dibble about how much talent Dibble has.

He is the oldest of the gang at the age of He has a new crush on Trixie.