Robot on icon pop quiz level 1 characters level 1-4

It brings back the memories of different television cartoon shows that we have seen before. The characters presented in Character quiz level 1 are basically of children interests. If you have faced any problem to answer or you are unaware of some characters then take a look to our answers.

You will get all character quiz level 1 cheats here. Your friends would appreciate if you share these answers with them. The cartoon show is still very popular globally and makes laugh to all kind of age groups. The great inspiring super hero originated from comic books in the to focus the teen age youth as readers with famous quote With great power comes great responsibility and later transformed into motion pictures with leading actors acted as spider man with amazing digital innovation.

McCulley made the character of A Californio nobleman and master living in the Spanish colonial era and featured from books to motion pictures. The puppet show in television made for children and presented as A furry red monster and the character is presented in red color. Developed by Lee and his team as the fictional character featured in books and became popular in movies with story of an intelligent industrialist An armored suit built by Tony and the super hero adapts in the suit for the sake of humanity.

Created by Psychologist in as the most powerful female superhero acquired with super natural powers. Marvel comics had created the fictional character in comics as a Young man who was enhanced to the peak of human perfection by an experimental serum in order to aid the United States war effort to enhance patriotism in USA in later not so much popular and to make it popularize the movie has been made known as Captain America The first Avenger recently.

The mythological god for the German people to help to them from the attack of Romans and the death of Thor, How dare you attack the son of Odin! The presence of stones and statues proves the story of god Thor. The fictional character in comic books wearing masks and built great body and aimed to save the world by witnessing the destructive story of his family a Billionaire, bat inspired superhero and also came in motion pictures. The villain character in Batman comics with very different character look that was adverse to the superhero Batman and made the comic role in very funny manner to oppose why so serious?

The character presented as very intelligent villain. Segar had developed the fictional character as the sailor man with the spinach can! To entertain the children with his animated pictures as the hero and get power after eating of spinach. The boy cartoon character most popular in the world and presented in many languages to popularize the comic.

To entertain the children with his animated pictures as the hero and get power after eating of spinach. The boy cartoon character most popular in the world and presented in many languages to popularize the comic.

A reporter and adventurer who travel around the world with his dog got into problem to save him and the society. The very popular cartoon show in around the world with animated characters of the cat that rhymes with Jerry with great presentation and ideas of Tom and Jerry to fight and makes laugh every viewer. The animated character and funny in the Simpsons family as the eldest child and only son of Homer and Marge. The character is shown as very indiscipline and proud of having destructive nature of child.

The cartoon character is shown in different high range products to market the products Famous kitty from Japan. The character is popular and trade mark of various products of fashion accessories. The character has story of very cute kitty wearing red bow and have different interests including making food.

The fictional character for the children and traits of character are when he lies, his nose grows longer. The style of Pinocchio is very different from other cartoon. Search Quiz Game Answers Search. Our Games Logo Quiz Answers. Logo Quiz Cars Answers. Icon Pop Quiz Answers. Candy Crush Dreamworld Strategy. Hi Guess The Brand Answers. Logo Quiz by Bubble. Logo Quiz Ultimate Answers. Guess the Text Answers.