Sean s outpost bitcoin exchange rate

It was an enlightening experience, and validated my belief that Bitcoin can be used to do so much good for the world in an easily accessible and effective way. There was going to be a hole in homeless outreach in Pensacola, so my wife and I decided we would do something; feeding the homeless, trying to take care of people. Why did you choose Bitcoin as a sean s outpost bitcoin exchange rate to fund your project and what are some advantages for using Bitcoin to fund homeless outreach over traditional methods like cash donations?

Well, there are a lot of advantages to it. One sean s outpost bitcoin exchange rate comes sean s outpost bitcoin exchange rate mind is [the time] from the moment we decided we were going to accept Bitcoin, we got a Bitcoin, and had converted and were feeding people with that Bitcoin was less than twenty four hours.

So, with Bitcoin we were going to take payments and take them from anybody in the world, and we were able to set it up immediately. How has it been received by the homeless community? They do jobs online to earn more Bitcoin, and use it to buy Papa Johns to have delivered to the park.

The first day Jason showed one gentleman how to set up a wallet, and we went and ran some errands. Yeah, it was just a couple hours, and the one gentleman had showed two other guys how to set up their own wallets and had loaned sean s outpost bitcoin exchange rate some money or shared some of the Bitcoins with them to where they all three of them had Bitcoins. And then they all found Bitcoin Talk, all on their own. They were all nose deep in researching Bitcoin. They were even trying to figure out how to mine Bitcoin on their Androids.

Another criticism people have is that private charity is inadequate at meeting the needs sean s outpost bitcoin exchange rate the downtrodden. I would say the government sean s outpost bitcoin exchange rate woefully inept at dealing with its people.

And this is someone who, if you believe in the system, deserves that disability and it was a nightmare for her to get it. So, finally, today she had a check in her hand. It was like she could see the light at the end of the tunnel and she was gonna get off the street today. This is a homeless person! I met these guys Michael and Adam through Food Not Bombs, and I think Food Not Bombs is the bar for setting the standard for pure efficiency for providing direct action for helping people.

We are doing as much if not more than most homeless outreaches here. You need a place to stay? That leads into another question I have. You mentioned partnering with Food Not Bombs, any other groups come out? I was just about to say, The Panhandling Ordinance passed in May of this year that pretty much made homelessness illegal.

So, you notice people have been criticizing you, what have public officials or other groups been saying to you? In Mobile Alabama they do that, too. It also depends on medical and mental problems.

A lot of homeless people have mental issues. But we have a good handful of empty school buildings in the city of Pensacola that could easily be turned into homeless shelters instead of sitting empty.

Boarded up places all over…. I have a really bad taste in my mouth over the City Council passing the ordinances. We had tons of people going down there when these meetings are usually empty, but the last sean s outpost bitcoin exchange rate we filled the chambers. Except for one lady, and that was at one of the preliminary meetings. Have you run into any problems trying to build these small houses? Is it mostly for food or for the houses?

What we need more than money is boots on the ground. We could do a lot more with more volunteers. Sean s outpost bitcoin exchange rate is great and Bitcoin is fantastic, unfortunately we live in a world where shit costs stuff, so we gotta pay for it somehow. We could use more volunteers. What is your vision of the future in regard Bitcoin, the threats that might come to it and also the opportunity it provides to individuals?

There is no going back; I think that Bitcoin or a form of crypto-currency will probably in the next twenty years or so completely ape every other form of currency on the planet. It has [central banking] been obsolete for a while. Mad love to Litecoin, too, mad love to Litecoin. Going back to your question about people not knowing a lot about the technology, I would be one of those people. Jason showed me a sean s outpost bitcoin exchange rate about it and I also started doing my own research, and the thing that really sparked my interest in it was that it is based off of an economic theory that by saving your money it causes the value of money to go up which is something that helped pull us out of the Great Depression and as sean s outpost bitcoin exchange rate culture the United States has lost sight of that.

I have fought having a computer until about five or six years ago. One can only assume the first piece of advice would be maybe not blow so much money that someone else needs to bail you out. Donations in Bitcoins from Reddit users made these lunches possible. Working hard for the cause. Meghan - Poet, fire dancer, activist. August 17, at 2: Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Stop Wars episode V: The Empire Strikes Out… Bitcoin.