Tf2 worst trade bot ever funny tradesscam attempts

M 6 months ago. Samuel Miller 9 days ago. Let me know in the comments or the like button! Like my Facebook - http:

Poor joe has to censor inappropriate language. Sthlm Sunset by Ehrling: Paper Mario - Goomba Village Song 2: Rosiest Of Belles Views:

JackWhoDoesMusic 7 months ago. Dallos 2 months ago. TF2 Silly servers IPs:

Raicov 5 months ago. Fucking 5 ads on a 10 minute video? In a nutshell, the video can remain but you won't be able to profit off of it.

Chucklenuts 1 month ago. No racism, sexism, or perversion; please keep politics out of the chat. This was too funny to make, let me know if you enjoyed and would like more silly content by dropping a like and commenting down below! Aero Floyd 6 months ago.

This was too funny to make, let me know if you enjoyed and would like more silly content by dropping a like and commenting down below! Poor joe has to censor inappropriate language. So this is a quick fun video if the amazon alexa similar to google home was voiced by the TF2 characters, including the scout, heavy etc.

There's plenty of hype for whenever new unusuals or new effects are unboxed but how does our mind for buying items in TF2 relate to the bigger picture of how we buy things in real life? Poncho Pyro 6 months ago. Max Seltzer 7 months ago. Featuring the elusive Soundsmith! JackWhoDoesMusic 7 months ago.

I sent you a trade offer plz show it in the next funny trades and scam attempts plz? Music provided by Audio Library https: Nguyen Pham 3 months ago.

Muhai 6 months ago. That scout is an ancient alien. Comments to the video: Heavys Trade Server Adventure.