Toomim bitcoin mineral

BIP requires of the last consecutive blocks to have a version bits set to 0x in hex to trigger a hard fork to remove the block size limit. Qntra recently published an article indicating the negligible miner support for XTof which Jonathan Toomim commented the brothers' mining initiative would be supporting BIP with blocks they solve. The customer will pay a fixed fiat fee for power, and are responsible for shipping their mining rig s to the Toomims' hosting facility somewhere in the Northwest Pacific USA.

The biggest concern is lack of any sort of insurance policy disclosed in the FAQ for miner loss due to damage or theft.

In regards to theft their FAQ states simply:. An accident due to natural disasters or a theft of some kind creates a situation where toomim bitcoin mineral Toomins are toomim bitcoin mineral for reimbursement. Their stance above presumes there will never be an incident, and implies there may be no disaster recovery plan currently implemented. If this is the case the toomim bitcoin mineral may end up with the loss for mining equipment that suffers casualties.

The second major concern regarding cooling is addressed in their FAQ, but the evidence for their claims is somewhat insufficient. Evaporative cooling cools air through the evaporation of water.

In a dry environment an evaporative cooler is able to cool the surrounding air energy with far less energy than a traditional AC unit utilizing refrigeration, thus making it cheaper.

However it does raise the humidity toomim bitcoin mineral the surrounding air, which is addressed in the FAQ:. Although this seems reasonable in theory, many evaporative cooling systems are subject to mold growth, which easily spreads undetected in a building. A mold infestation is mainly a health hazard for humans but can cause complications in the hosting building, which may lead to a potentially uninsured disaster. Mining Concern raises many concerns, among which is the eagerness to support BIP Many miners who seem reputable have been ousted as scammersthe Toomim Bros.

We are an LLC, not a coop. We have no mold. Our name is spelled "Toomim", not "Toomin. You can read about our reputation and see what our customers think here: The Czar of Nobodies on a Stick or whoever the fuck keeps sending you schmucks really gotta do a little more toomim bitcoin mineral, this shitshow ain't gonna stick. You can't be "a LLC". You can't "have insurance". You can "have insurance with X for Y under limits k, l, m, n etc".

And the fact that I have to tell you this means you toomim bitcoin mineral got no college education, no matter what ridiculous piece of paper some scammers might have toomim bitcoin mineral you, so don't even raise that point. As it turned out I know the area they're in to a degree — I was looking at a place earlier this month about 2 blocks from their location as a potential place to move MY operation into.

I can't speak to their insurance, as that's not information normally available in public records. On average we get 8 inches of precipitation a year the Mojave toomim bitcoin mineral averages 5 inches, for perspective.

Meanwhile that particular brand of usg shill melted in the woodwork. But, nice digging in any case. Your email address will not be published.

You may use these HTML tags and attributes: In regards to theft their FAQ states simply: However it does raise the humidity of the surrounding air, which is addressed toomim bitcoin mineral the FAQ: We have insurance You can't "have insurance".

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