Under the microscope with jw weatherman 1monero ft special guest fluffy pony

Block Digest 93 Roger Very Sued. Welcome to episode 93 of Block Digest! Sunday, April 29th [ Shinobi Apologizes for epic volume level fail with intro. Welcome to episode 88 of Block Digest! Friday, March 16th Join us: House Subcommittee hearing on cryptocurrencies and ICO markets https: JW has a discussion with cypherpunk legend Timothy May. Welcome to episode 65 of Block Digest!

Wednesday, December 20th Join us: Jack Mallers - https: Bill Mallers - https: Korean Exchange Hacked 1: Korea Behind Wannacry Attacks https: Bitcoin wallet sunsetted https: BAT escrow wallet https: Welcome to episode 90 of Block Digest!

Wednesday, March 25th Join us: Block Digest 50 Searching For Comfort. Welcome to episode 50 of Block Digest! Friday, November 3rd Join us: They have still not implemented SegWit in their web wallet. Welcome to episode 63 of Block Digest! Thursday, December 14th Join us: Welcome to episode 61 of Block Digest!

Saturday, December 9th Join us: Block Digest 82 Finding Segwit. Welcome to episode 82 of Block Digest! Wendesday, February 21st Join us: Welcome to episode 79 of Block Digest! Sunday, February 11th Join us: Welcome to episode 52 of Block Digest! Tuesday, November 7th Join us: Welcome to episode 86 of Block Digest! Wendesday, March 7th Join us: Welcome to episode 58 of Block Digest!

Wednesday, November 15th Join us: Welcome to episode 69 of Block Digest! Tuesday, January 4th Join us: Meltdown and Spectre 1: Welcome to episode 54 of Block Digest! Thursday, November 9th Join us: Block Digest 83 Cobra Commander Cracked.

Welcome to episode 83 of Block Digest! Sunday, February 25th Join us: Here the only novelty is that this inefficient Government wants to compensate the lack of production with these virtual barrels, generating new and illegal debt.

Block Digest 87 Jihan Warburg. Welcome to episode 87 of Block Digest! Sunday, March 11th Join us: Block Digest 89 Petro Trumped. Welcome to episode 89 of Block Digest! Wednesday, March 21st Join us: Block Digest 62 Arise Chikun.

Welcome to episode 62 of Block Digest! Tuesday, December 12th Join us: Welcome to episode 56 of Block Digest! Monday, November 13th Join us: JW discusses speculation with Trace Mayer. Welcome to episode 74 of Block Digest! Under the Microscope 2: Attacks of the Bitcoin Protocol ft. Matej Pavlovic mp3 This video discusses potential attacks of the Bitcoin protocol, and how Bitcoin has withstood these attacks so far. Under the Microscope 1: Under the Microscope with JW Weatherman: Bitcoin and Donald Trump mp3 I forgot to mention that we still have a system of checks and balances in this country.

The Third Industrial Revolution: The exponential exhaustion of natural resources, declining productivity, slow growth, rising unemployment, and steep inequality, Support the Majority Report's video content by going to http: Under the Microscope 5: New Electronic Currencies, Financial Networks and Economic Systems mp3 This is a single video advocating the creation of new electronic currencies, as well as other economic recommendations to resolve our current and future JW tries to make an argument