Hijacking Bitcoin: routing attacks on cryptocurrencies

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This paper introduces a new class of routing attacks on the network. As Bitcoin transactions are routed over the Internet — in clear text and without integrity checks — any third-party on the forwarding path can eavesdrop, drop, modify, inject, or delay Bitcoin messages such as blocks or transactions. Once a collection of nodes are partitioned from the network the network becomes more vulnerable to double spending attacks, transaction filtering, and selfish mining attacks.

Nodes representing merchants, exchanges, and other large entities are thus unable to secure their transactions, or may not be able to broadcast them to the the network to begin with. The resulting longer-term loss trust in Bitcoin security may trigger a loss of value for Bitcoin.

Attackers may even short Bitcoin and gain from the resulting devaluation. The authors also demonstrate delay attacks which are effective against individual targets, but not against the network as a whole as the partitioning attacks are.

The origin AS makes the original route announcement, and this then propagates through the network hop by hop. In BGP, the validity of route announcements is not checked.

In effect, this means that any AS can inject forged information on how to reach one or more IP prefixes, leading other ASes to send traffic to the wrong location. By leaving at least one path from the attacker to the destination untouched, a BGP hijack can be turned into an interception. Is it really that simple to hijack Internet traffic??? I mean, does this really happen in practice?

We see that there are hundreds of thousands of hijack events each month. While most of these hijacks involve a single IP prefix, large hijacks involving between and 30, prefixes are also seen every month. Each month, at least Bitcoin nodes are victims of hijacks. In November as an example, 7. The vulnerability of the Bitcoin network overall to routing attacks depends on the routing characteristics of the Bitcoin network itself.

The conduct a study details in section VI to uncover the Bitcoin network topology. The key findings are as follows:. The goal of a partitioning attack is to isolate some set of nodes P from the rest of the network, effectively partitioning the Bitcoin network into two disjoint components.

So ultimately we try to find the maximal subset of P that can be partitioned off. The attacker first diverts the traffic destined to nodes in P by hijacking the most-specific prefixes hosting each of the IP address. Once on-path, the attacker intercepts the Bitcoin traffic e. If so, the attacker drops the packets. Leakage points are nodes currently within P, which maintain connections with nodes outside of P that the attacker cannot intercept….

These leakage points are dropped from P until the maximal set of nodes that can be isolated is left. First, we performed a real BGP hijack against our Bitcoin nodes and show that it takes less than 2 minutes for an attacker to divert Bitcoin traffic. Second, we estimated the number of prefixes to hijack so as to isolate nodes with a given amount of mining power. Delay attacks slow down the propagation of new blocks sent to a set of Bitcoin nodes, without disrupting their connections.

The attack can be targeted at selected nodes, or in theory conducted network wide. By tampering with incoming BLOCK messages the content can be corrupted so that the victim considers it invalid. Each of these actions triggers a 20 minute timeout. We verified the practicality of delay attacks by implementing an interception software which we used against our own Bitcoin nodes. The authors also recommend separating control and data channels, negotiating a set of random ports on connection that will be used to exchange Bitcoin data.

This forces an AS-level adversary to look at all traffic, not just the portwhich would be very costly. Other suggestions include adding UDP heartbeats to detect interception, and ensuring that any block requests are made on multiple connections in parallel.

Our work underscores the importance of proposed modifications which argue for encrypting Bitcoin traffic or traffic exchanged among miners. Yet, we stress that not all routing attacks will be solved by such measures since attackers can still disrupt connectivity and isolate nodes by dropping Bitcoin packets instead of modifying them. Bitcoin does not need encryption to validate if a message is correct — every block has a proof-of-work and get validated if every transaction is valid.

And you can only forge a transaction if you have the private key for all inputs it spents. That is the core problem bitcoin solves by using PoW and full history verification of the blockchain.

There is no way no way to detect if peer X was bogus or not in the first place. But there is a ton of value in that. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Twitter account.

You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. Given the amount of money at stake, Bitcoin is an obvious target for attackers. The Internet infrastructure itself is vulnerable to routing manipulation BGP hijacksand Bitcoin is really quite centralised when viewed from a routing perspective.

Seventeen billion dollars, clear text, no integrity checks! The core building block: The structure of the Bitcoin network The vulnerability of the Bitcoin network overall to routing attacks depends on the routing characteristics of the Bitcoin network itself. The key findings are as follows: Unsurprisingly, there seems to be some kind of power law at play whereby a few ASes host most of the Bitcoin nodes.

Just a few ASes naturally intercept the majority of Bitcoin traffic. Mining pools are multi-homed and all use at least two ASes to connect to the Bitcoin network. Multi-homing is one of the main protections against routing attacks. Bitcoin routing protocols are stable over time — the same IPs are present on average for Partitioning attacks The goal of a partitioning attack is to isolate some set of nodes P from the rest of the network, effectively partitioning the Bitcoin network into two disjoint components.

Leakage points are nodes currently within P, which maintain connections with nodes outside of P that the attacker cannot intercept… These leakage points are dropped from P until the maximal set of nodes that can be isolated is left. The authors demonstrate the practicality of the attack by hijacking their own nodes: Emphasis mine Second, we estimated the number of prefixes to hijack so as to isolate nodes with a given amount of mining power. Emphasis mine Delay attacks Delay attacks slow down the propagation of new blocks sent to a set of Bitcoin nodes, without disrupting their connections.

Countermeasures The authors recommend the following short-term measures: Increase the diversity of node connections, for example by ensuring that all Bitcoin nodes are multi-homed. Select Bitcoin peers in a route-aware way, adding extra random connections if the same AS appears in all paths. Monitor RTT to detect sudden changes increases and establish extra random connections as a protection mechanism. Monitor additional statistics as early warning signals of an attack: Ph The last word Our work underscores the importance of proposed modifications which argue for encrypting Bitcoin traffic or traffic exchanged among miners.

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At a high-level, Bitcoin is a randomly-established peer-to-peer network composed of thousands of nodes and tens of thousands of connections which rely on flooding to propagate transactions.

As an attacker, being able to prevent the spread of information in such a network seems unrealistic, if not impossible. Yet, this apparently sensible observation does not take into account that the Internet routing infrastructure i. It also does not consider that large Internet Service Providers ISPs , such as the ones sitting in the core of the Internet, might be naturally crossed by a large fraction of Bitcoin traffic already.

Since Bitcoin messages are exchanged in clear text and without integrity checks, any malicious third-party on the forwarding path can eavesdrop, drop, modify, inject, or delay Bitcoin messages.

The question is then: Is Bitcoin vulnerable to such routing attacks? In our recent paper Hijacking Bitcoin: Routing Attacks on Cryptocurrencies to appear at the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, we shed light on these aspects by studying the security of Bitcoin from an Internet routing perspective and quantify the potential disruptive effects of network attackers.

Among others, we show that:. In this post, we take a closer look at these issues. We start by describing the two possible network attacks which we consider, namely partitioning and delay attacks, along with their potential impact on Bitcoin. We then discuss some short and long-term countermeasures that would increase Bitcoin's robustness against network attackers. More details on our work can be found on our website. With partitioning attacks, an attacker aims at splitting the Bitcoin network into at least two disjoint components such that no information e.

To partition the network into two components, a network attacker intercepts all the traffic destined to all the Bitcoin nodes contained within one of the component and drops any connection to the other component. To intercept traffic, a network attacker relies on vulnerabilities in the Border Gateway Protocol BGP , the only Internet routing protocol used today, which does not validate the origin of routing announcements. These attacks, commonly referred to as BGP hijacks , involve getting a router to falsely announce that it has a better route to some IP prefix.

By hijacking all the IP prefixes pertaining to the nodes in one component, the attacker can effectively intercept all the traffic exchanged between the two components. Once on path, the attacker can sever all these connections effectively disconnecting the two components. An animation of the attacks can be found on our website.

The extreme centralization of Bitcoin from an Internet viewpoint makes partition attacks particularly effective as few IP prefixes need to be hijacked. While intercepting Bitcoin traffic using BGP hijacking is effective, any un-intercepted Bitcoin connection bridging the two components would quickly render the partition ineffective.

Due to factors such as multi-homing, some nodes cannot be prevented from exchanging information, forming some kind of persistent connections. The presence of such connections makes partitioning attacks more challenging for the attacker, but not impossible. In our paper , we elaborate on how an attacker can provably identify and mitigate these persistent rogue connections by reducing the size of the partition she is trying to achieve. By partitioning the network, the attacker forces the creation of two parallel blockchains.

Moreover, discarded transactions will be irrecoverably canceled if there exist other transactions in the prevailing branch of the chain which spent the exact same Bitcoins conflicting transactions.

Bitcoin nodes are designed to request blocks from only a single peer to avoid overtaxing the network with excessive block transmissions. The block is requested again from another peer only if the request is not answered after 20 minutes. This design decision, coupled with the fact that Bitcoin traffic is unencrypted, allows for a powerful attack in which anyone intercepting Bitcoin traffic can delay block propagation on the corresponding connections.

To do so, the attacker performs simple modification to the content of the Bitcoin messages she intercepts. As Bitcoin messages are not protected against tampering, neither the receiver nor the sender have any indication that the message has been modified, allowing the attacker to stay under the radar.

The actual impact of such an attack depends on the victim and ranges from double spending for merchant nodes to wasted computation power for miners. An animation of the attack can be found here. Illustration of how an AS-level adversary AS8 which naturally intercepts a part of the victim's traffic node C can delay the delivery of a block to it for 20 minutes.

Like for partition attacks, the centralization of Bitcoin nodes in few networks and prefixes, combined with the centralization of mining power in few pools, make delay attacks practical. If malicious, these ISPs could therefore effectively and invisibly keep many bitcoin nodes uninformed.

Unlike partitioning attacks though, we also found that even these powerful attackers could not disrupt the entire cryptocurrency. So, even though many nodes would be slowed down, Bitcoin, as a whole, would still function. We verified the practicality of a delay attack by performing one against our own nodes. Fortunately, there are both short- and long-term countermeasures against network attacks. First, peer selections could be made routing-aware.

Bitcoin nodes could, for example, aim at maximizing the diversity of the Internet paths seen by their connections to minimize the risk that an attacker can intercept all of them. Moreover, nodes could monitor the behavior of their connections to detect events like abrupt disconnections from multiple peers or unusual delays in block delivery. These events could serve as an early indicator of a routing attack and could, for instance, trigger the establishment of extra randomly-selected connections.

Finally, solutions like end-to-end encryption would also help especially against delay attacks. Yet, encryption alone would not be sufficient to protect against partitioning attacks as an attacker can still drop encrypted Bitcoin connections.

The purpose of our research is to raise the awareness of the Bitcoin community on the need to prevent routing attacks from disrupting the cryptocurrency.

While we have no evidence that large-scale routing attacks against Bitcoin have already been performed in the wild, we believe few key characteristics make these attacks practical and potentially highly disruptive. We are currently in the process of implementing some of the countermeasures highlighted above. Routing Attacks on Cryptocurrencies routing bgp bitcoin May 01, at Partitioning attacks With partitioning attacks, an attacker aims at splitting the Bitcoin network into at least two disjoint components such that no information e.

Delay attacks Bitcoin nodes are designed to request blocks from only a single peer to avoid overtaxing the network with excessive block transmissions. How can we prevent network attacks? Summary The purpose of our research is to raise the awareness of the Bitcoin community on the need to prevent routing attacks from disrupting the cryptocurrency.