UC Irvine: Beyond Bitcoin

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Follow us on Twitter. Entering electronic money contracts without understanding the problems and solutions they represent is risky both for the isolated farmer in Kenya and for a Silicon Valley executive, so both would benefit from this book. Maurer takes a broad look at the history and various forms of money and makes several important points that should be seriously considered by economists. Angel, Journal of Economic Literature.

Written in an engagingly informal style accompanied by eye-catching photographs, it is an excellent teaching resource that will surely become a standard feature of reading lists in undergraduate courses bill maurer bitcoin wallet economic anthropology and the anthropology of finance and money. Bill maurer bitcoin wallet shows these are fundamental components of everyday life, and of any attempt to tackle poverty.

That is a lot of people. It aims to surprise readers by approaching money bill maurer bitcoin wallet ways that are at once counter-intuitive and familiar. Maurer poses important and timely questions of how we will imagine money in the context of technical affordances and society. Keep turning, keep noticing new facets of the complexly brilliant entity that is money, as perceived and crafted for accessible view by an expert in reaching a wide and varied audience.

Guyer, Journal of Anthropological Research. Bill Maurer makes us realize—and remember—that money is not bill maurer bitcoin wallet economics and process, but also an integral part of human life, and that the psychology and behavioral dynamics around money are just as important bill maurer bitcoin wallet understand as the business aspects.

If you are requesting permission to photocopy bill maurer bitcoin wallet for classroom use, please contact the Copyright Clearance Center at copyright. Please check the credit line adjacent to the illustration, as well as the front and back matter of the book for a list of credits.

You must obtain permission directly from the owner of the image. Occasionally, Duke University Press controls the rights to maps or other drawings. Please direct permission requests for these images to permissions dukeupress. For book covers to accompany reviews, please contact the publicity department. Instructions for requesting an electronic bill maurer bitcoin wallet on behalf of a student with disabilities are available here. From Bitcoin to Apple Pay, big changes seem to be afoot in the world of money.

Yet the use of coins and paper bills has persisted for 3, years. These changes are especially important in the developing world, bill maurer bitcoin wallet people who lack access to banks are using cell phones in creative ways to send and save money.

To truly understand money, Maurer explains, is to understand and appreciate bill maurer bitcoin wallet complex infrastructures and social relationships it relies on. Ultimately, considering how we would like to pay gives insights into determining how we would like to live. Sign up for Subject Matters email updates to receive discounts, new book announcements, and more.

Create a reading list or add to an existing list. Sign-in or register now to continue. How Would You Like to Pay?: What's in Your Wallet? Angel, Journal of Economic Literature "As an anthropologist, Bill Maurer has spent the past two decades researching the cultural and social dynamics of money.

Permission to Photocopy coursepacks If you are requesting permission to photocopy material for classroom use, please contact the Copyright Clearance Center at copyright.

Disability Requests Instructions for requesting an electronic text on behalf of a student with disabilities are available here. If book has an editor that is different from the article author, include editor's name also. Title of the journal article or book chapter and title of journal or title of book 3.

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