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Long-term support LTS is a type of special versions or editions of software designed to be supported for a longer than normal period. It is particularly applicable to open-source software and projects like Ubuntu. It is a product lifecycle management policy for computer software , that applies the tenets of reliability engineering to the software development process and software release life cycle.
Long-term support extends the period of software maintenance ; it also alters the type and frequency of software updates patches to reduce the risk , expense, and disruption of software deployment , while promoting the dependability of the software.
It does not, however, imply technical support. At the beginning of a long-term support period, the software developers impose a feature freeze: They make patches to correct software bugs and vulnerabilities , but do not introduce new features that may cause regression.
The software maintainer either distributes patches individually, or packages them in maintenance releases , point releases , or service packs. At the conclusion of the support period, the product reaches end-of-life.
The term long-term-support is usually reserved for special versions or editions of software that otherwise has a much shorter release life cycle. Typically, a publisher of LTS software maintains it for at least two years. A related term is short term support STS , which refers to the support given to normal releases. The traditional software lifecycle in many open source projects is release early, release often , or a regular time-based release schedule.
In either case, each new release includes both fixes for security vulnerabilities and new functionality. Large organisations, or users with mission critical projects, need the security fixes but would often prefer to retain the same base version for an extended period without any new or changed functionality.
Their concern is, that as software developers add new features they can accidentally introduce new bugs or break old functionality. Even without the added risks, for these types of users, new functionality is also often expensive. Updating a web application with a sensitive configuration, for example, may require the cooperation of many people: Developers for retrofitting ; a database administrator for database schema changes; software testers for regression testing ; a project manager for scheduling, liaising, and facilitating; a system administrator or release manager for software deployment oversight; and IT operations personnel for backups , installation , and disaster recovery.
LTS versions of a software package typically address these concerns by releasing only security-related updates for the LTS version—such that installing them should always be less risky than not installing them. This table only lists those have a specific LTS version in addition to a normal release cycle.
Many projects, such as CentOS , provide a long period of support for every release. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved 28 June Retrieved 20 June Retrieved 23 June Archived from the original on 17 December Retrieved 14 December Linux kernel Mailing list.
Retrieved 12 August Archived from the original on 5 October Retrieved 27 June Retrieved 24 February Abandonware End-of-life Long-term support Software maintenance Software maintainer Software publisher.
Digital rights management Software protection dongle Hardware restrictions License manager Product activation Product key Software copyright Software patent Torrent poisoning. Free and open-source software. Alternative terms for free software Comparison of open-source and closed-source software Comparison of source code hosting facilities Free software Free software project directories Gratis versus libre Long-term support Open-source software Open-source software development Outline.
Free software movement History Open-source software movement Organizations Events. Book Category Commons Portal. Retrieved from " https: Computer security procedures Product lifecycle management Reliability engineering Software maintenance Software quality. Pages using div col without cols and colwidth parameters Pages using Columns-list with deprecated parameters.
Views Read Edit View history. This page was last edited on 10 March , at By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. A new LTS version is released every two years. From through , LTS support for the desktop was for approximately two years, and for servers five, but LTS versions are now supported for five years for both. Linux Kernel -libre 3. For LTS releases, bug fixes are provided for 2 years and security fixes are provided for 3 years.
For general releases, bug fixes are provided for 6 months and security fixes are provided for 1 year. Regular consumers on the Semi-Annual Channel SAC get new versions of the operating system approximately every six months previously every four months while business customers get upgraded to new versions of SAC approximately four months after Microsoft released the SAC release for regular consumers previously a separate release is done approximately every eight months.