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Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer currency. Peer-to-peer means that no central authority issues new money or tracks transactions. These tasks are managed collectively by the network. Interest in Bitcoin has been increasing rapidly in the last year. Just like mining for gold, finding new bitcoins takes a lot of work in the form of solving complex math. You won't get very far with a standard computer and CPU. That approach typically uses enough electricity to make "mining" for bitcoins a losing proposition.

This presentation will discuss what bitcoins are, why they are useful and some of the challenges that are involved with designing a "bitcoin miner". A "bitcoin miner" is a system that is optimized for finding bitcoins cost effectively. Regardless of your position on whether anonymous digital cash is a good idea or not, the concepts and use of cryptography that drive this system is extremely clever and interesting. Christian and Ian can be found mining bitcoins, installing more cooling fans and discussing complex math at Skillhouse.

So, for those that were at the meeting and might be wondering what else might be out there to handle some GPU's, take a bit of a look at this monster:. So, without even bothering to hang a couple of cards up with PCI extenders, this thing can take 10!

GPU cards and has the power capability to do so. Make sure you never mine with an NVidia board. Btw, do you have any machines that successfully register more than 8 GPUs?

That's the most I've been able to run on a single motherboard. I think it may have something to do with buggy bios memory mapping. Create new account Request new password. Submitted by clintc on July 18, - 7: Jul 20 6: Jul 20 8: The Laboratory W University Ave. Comment viewing options Flat list - collapsed Flat list - expanded Threaded list - collapsed Threaded list - expanded. Date - newest first Date - oldest first. Select your preferred way to display the comments and click "Save settings" to activate your changes.

So, for those that were at the meeting and might be wondering what else might be out there to handle some GPU's, take a bit of a look at this monster: That's more expensive than the cards I would put in it.

Here is what it looks like when you populate it with eight Fermi boards No upcoming events available. GatorLUG Freedom is contagious. Satchels pizza All time: Jim Martinez Last viewed: Gainesville, FL, Map Link: