Blockchain apical pulse rate
Bitcoin cash price prediction october 2017
I installed Bitcoin, synced took a couple days and reindexed took another few days. Then counterparty-server bootstrap executes okay. But counterparty-server start fails. First I did not use btcdrak's version.
Then I downloaded newest btcdrak tar. I copied the bin folder over to my existing. I deleted the fhree files at '. As before, I could not connect to DB. Then I deleted the DB files again. It connects to the DB now actually creates a new DB amd processes blocks. Each block takes around 20 seconds!
It will take weeks unless it speeds up. This is telling you your Counterparty-Server can't access Bitcoin Core due to incorrect credentials. You don't have to delete Counterparty DB, it's just a file that Counterparty will use as it starts.
Your problem is not related to the DB. But as you noticed it's slow. It will take a while to reparse the DB, but it will be blocks behind so it'll catch up within an hour after the reparse is done. I just had to wait a long time after counterparty-server start. I'm afraid that was a terrible idea. It started reindexing from the beginning again.
It will take 48 hours to finish. Before I also used to think it's possible to stop bitcoin and restart it as long as you do that before 12 retries are done, but I think because mempool gets cleared Counterparty Server has no way to refresh it or invalidate its own.
Counterparty-server cannot connect to database Support. I'm a Linux n00b. I run Ubuntu on my desktop. But counterparty-server start fails [ It stays here for more than an hour, then: It does not change anything.
I still don't get past 'Connecting to database. Does bitcoin-cli getinfo work and what does it show? What does this show? It got stuck on reparse. Yes, now there's no way to recover after that.