Cryptocurrency Meetups in Sydney

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I landed in Sydney on the evening of Wednesday the 11th of October bitcoin meetup sydney 6pm and arrived at my apartment ready to chillax. I knew there was a Bitcoin meetup sydney Bitcoin meetup at the Metropolitan Hotel and was in two minds about attending. The uncomfortable feeling of walking into a room not knowing anyone and feeling awkward has been with me my whole life but on this occasion, I told myself to just get over it!

What transpired set the scene for the entire trip. I met Bitcoin meetup sydney, one of the meetup founder stalwarts bitcoin meetup sydney started asking a million questions. Sitting next to her was a guy called Jack who lives about an hour out of Sydney but makes the trip in to all these meetups. I was then introduced to Jason, the man with the red bitcoin meetup sydney. The other founder of the meetup and respected community member. Adriana mentioned she was running a blockchain event at a co-working space called Fishburners as part of the Sydney Spark Festival Fintech event the following week.

I ended up volunteering and had a blast. I learnt about Eventbrite, how to run an event, how to heard groups of people around and how to unpack full pizza boxes and take away empty pizza boxes! Next up was the first ever Lisk meetup in Sydney. I attended this event by accident. A friend of mine Sanjeev was leaving work and mentioned that was attending a Lisk meetup and ask if I wanted to join. After the Lisk meetup was the big one.

The Sydney Ethereum meetup. I was forewarned by Jack that I had to be in quick so on Monday night at 6pm, 3 days before the meetup, it was opened for registration and I was ready. It was like bitcoin meetup sydney to buy tickets for an All Blacks bitcoin meetup sydney on Ticketek.

On the night, there was a registration queue and we all had to take elevators up to the presentation floor at Optiver. Again there were lots of pizzas and some great talks. The Jeremy the lead product engineer from OmiseGo talked about plasma and Nick one of the organizers talked about smart contracts.

I then took a short trip down to Melbourne to check out the Melbourne blockchain centre. Nevertheless I attended a meetup on trading run by Tomas. I have no idea about trading but some of the technical analysis is phenomenal. I wish I was taught this at high school though! On Wednesday night there was another crypto meet up run by Simon who does a great job chairing the meetup.

Back in Sydney, I bitcoin meetup sydney on the Telegram group there and caught news of these Ethereum workshops that some guy called Bokky was running. I went along bitcoin meetup sydney found out that Bokky is legendary in Ethereum circles. Bokky does all things Ethereum related such as audit code for huge ICOs, creates Dapps and advises too.

On the evening of the 14th of November there was a clash. A link to the recording can be found here. The highlight of the trip was really at the end where I participated in the Australian Blockchain Hackathon run by Daniel and his team at Bitfwd. It was my first ever hackathon and it was an amazing experience.

The people, the venue, the organization, it was really top notch. I ended up contributing to a project called JOE Javascript On Everything where a lamp would like up when test ether was sent to a smart contract. Bitcoin meetup sydney we moved everything downstairs, it stopped working. There was a bitcoin meetup sydney rush to get it working again just minutes before the pitch!

It seems like such a long time ago and the thought that it all started with deciding to go to the Sydney Bitcoin meetup instead of staying at home.

Looking forward bitcoin meetup sydney my next trip over to Australia! Bitcoin meetup sydney email address will not be published. Australian Blockchain Landscape Tour February 2, Talking Bitcoin on NewstalkZB. Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. How to send ethers in Mist. The Death of Money — Andreas Antonopoulos.

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Our primary aim is to foster a culture of innovation, sharing and collaboration in the blockchain ecosystem to ensure that Australian businesses and individuals can reap the numerous rewards that blockchain technology offers.

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Join us today and put your business in front of a young and high tech consumer. Simpler and Fairer Taxation of Cryptocurrencies in Australia. Some friends of mine put this submission together in answer to the A. I am grateful to them for the proactive …. Now you can buy high-end appliances, laptops, TVs, and pro audio equipment using Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dash, and Ethereum. Email Address adam bitcoin. Start Date February 1, Email Address caleb travelbybit. Start Date March 22, Email Address lucas bitcoinbrisbane.

Start Date February 8, Email Address martin blockchaincentre. Email Address martinpmcginty gmail. Start Date March 26, Email Address sheree certusconsulting. All of our meetings, AGM and organisational files are online and accessed by our board and members via our webpage and associated cloud services. Please email us at board blockchainaustralia.

This will send an email to all current sitting board members. Meetups are a great way to learn about bitcoin and blockchains. The Meetups listed below are run by community members. Blockchain Australia support meetups around Australia and is in the process of providing meetup organisers with Mevo Livestreaming cameras to broadcast their events to a wider audience allover Australia. Find your meetup below and the videos here!

Your support helps in numerous ways; It supports our efforts in demanding reasonable yet effective legislative responses from government, It helps our efforts in educating the next generation of Australians about Blockchain technologies, It allows us to travel around Australia to speak and present on Blockchain Technologies at industry events and seminars, Provides funds to support industry leaders around Australia to host local Meetup Groups.

The blockchain economy is the fastest growing sector of the worldwide economy and opens up numerous business opportunities either in; disrupting existing business models or creating new and innovative businesses that until now have not been possible.

Join us on our Slack Channel to discuss, contribute and collaborate. The best weekly news and events column in CryptoLand. Viewing All Profiles Showing of 6 Results. Blockchain Australia is a decentralised not for profit association. We are registered in NSW. ERC Proposal and Asset Melbourne DEXathon Hackathon 6: Interview with Naomi Brockwell,