/jp/ - Otaku Culture
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Also, thanks to all who contacted us about sponsorship. The alien did absolutely nothing. Too bad about the system. They are wasting time by not making her center. She's getting older every day. That's really deep, anon. Number 5 it looks like. Without that bitcoin ubuntu 14042016 place in the 50 they probably wouldn't have made it to the final 3.
Then she got them through PKs. She looks like a fat Tomochin, not a fat Mayu. For a second there I was really worried it was actually Mayu. And people believe SSk isn't rigged. AKS is so bankrupt, Aki-P has to rig this shit for the team with bitcoin ubuntu 14042016 members to win and to save money on some Happy Meals.
It's over abandon this ship while you can. Just one kiss and Maho's all good. Did your oshi applied to Rennachi's SSK?
Filling up a food court in a hotel is not that easy. Oh yeah did we talk about Saho eating shit in the 50? She kept covering her mouth but she forgot for a second when answering a question and you could see the blood on her teeth.
I read bitcoin ubuntu 14042016 she'd fallen but not about that. Oh well, at least the winning prize is meh. I take it Yukirin didn't take too kindly. Anchu wished these were food stubs btw what shoes does Saepii wears adidas?
Maybe she's not ready to be center yet. She's a little kid. You might be right since I didn't watch the either sports festivals to their entirety. Quite a bit older than Keyaki's center.
Sure, she might act like she's 12 and look like she's 28, but she's 19, dammit! That bitcoin ubuntu 14042016 you can tell your friends and family that you're in a commercial. I just got here, bruv. Jesus to make that mistake, what a dumbass summer child. Who is the mystery girl? Maybe it's Matcha Green Tea. If it's Tatsumaki, I'm gonna be real pissed at those three.
Look at Abemaria on the right, she's still suppin as well. I feel like Tatsumakis hair is a little too short. The one in the picture has long hair. Though didn't she have an injury or bitcoin ubuntu 14042016 What else can they say? Her smile was so different, for real.
I assumed it was her since the hair is black. Also look at how thin the legs are. The girl has to be a 15th gen too because nips would never pull that with their senpais. Just woke up did hkt make it to the stadium? Did yokomichi win the 50m run? NGT won the whole event. I study abroad Where?
Maybe even protected her from Georgina aka Manami and her minions. I've never seen someone center a group thats so fitting. But only because she forgot which move to throw. Wow Team 8 Pedos sure are quiet after they got completely embarrassed in the athletic meet. Even though bitcoin ubuntu 14042016 have 3x the members, and stacked the events with their best members instead of including the awful members like other groups. She merely gets tricked into removing her clothes in front of a camera occasionally.
Very nearly a rectangle. I'm sure it will """cheer up""" a lot of people. Did she delete it? It is from Even the lewdest namba wouldn't. Maho for the love of Shinto, eat Mayuyu's manko already!!! It's not like they changed the rules mid-event bitcoin ubuntu 14042016 some people are implying. And yes, I realize it was different last year. Look at forever lemon. Accept her as she is. Accepting this is like accepting that all about her is fake too.
That's just how she runs when she's giving it her all. She bitcoin ubuntu 14042016 run bitcoin ubuntu 14042016 when she's acting and not running fast. The team that actually won gets robbed by the loser. This makes the whole event moot, fuck that guy responsible for coming that up. I want to wish him dead. Imagine have to handle all the angry wotas in real time It would been a Saturday bloody Saturday.
The reward for placing well in the league was a higher seed at the end, and there was no surprise round. Nothing wrong with that. I'd be fuming if they had pulled this shit on T8. She seems like the type. Bitcoin ubuntu 14042016 it's buried somewhere on a chink site and was never put on a tracker.
I was surprised when I learned that 2ch thinks Maiyan is a bitcoin ubuntu 14042016, and thinks that Reika is straight. The awkward silence after the joke was priceless. Just watching him on sashihara no ran made him my staff oshi. Will you donate your hair for her, anons? What a fat mess. I bet that DQN yankee Manami was the main aggressor. Stop corrupting my Komi!!! Why aren't you listening to this good song? I swear to god if it was Kiichan I'm gonna slaughter the fucking ichigos.
Unless it's not from 15th gen? Pretty sure it's 15th. Honestly, I bitcoin ubuntu 14042016 we'll ever find out. Only Tatsumaki is tall enough and has that hairstyle currently. She looks the same height because she's closer to the camera than the other girls. Hair could be Kiichan before styling. I want to know who else are massive bitches. She bitcoin ubuntu 14042016 turned her brain off and didn't give it too much thought, wanted to make a joke that nobody gets, or she still uses a private Insta and confused it with the official one.
If I had to bet money it would be the latter bitcoin ubuntu 14042016. Naanya is kind of a airhead. Wow, sure is nice having an Oshi that makes a blog entry everyday instead of a stupid fucking bitch that makes a blog entry once a month, and not even a real blog entry, just a fucking bunch of advertisements for the shitty magazine she's going to be in for two pictures.
I don't understand how I ever could have possibly liked KTK. She's beyond dead to me now. What bitcoin ubuntu 14042016 I even thinking?