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The banks are buying it back up. The rich folks have got too much of an advantage. I know why they are doing this…. Mt GOX are profiteering when they bring the price down they have already made a huge profits,then they re buy at super lows. Its how anyone makes money no big mystery i think…pure basic salesman ship. I have a law degree…I think this is blatant profiteering. However, the CFTC has said they will prosecute naked market manipulation and pump and dumps.

Forward this to them…I have seen naked manipulation like this all the time in the small caps stock market and pink sheets. And the SEC just threw a shot across the bow with exchanges. They will look at this…. When you check the price in the morning on your way out the door, and you want to puke on your shoes, buy. Couldn't they find an institution wanting to buy a position and execute a cross of a block trade? Wellthat's pretty much the most important information that I've seen on here in a year.

Sell it to ME at a diiiiiiiiiiscount!!! Then go hide in your underground fiat cave. They drop the price then buy back in low. I say this will be an ongoing issue and the smart way to deal with it is to follow their lead. But what do I know…? No wonder everyone is crazy. Our world is topsy turvy. Gox was hacked and several friends of mine lost all their funds — yet still there happens to be a HUGE store of Mt. Gox BTC, controlled by some trustee who bitcoin whale manipulation cryptocurrency news crypto btc xrp ripple litecoin ethereumcardano dump it and tank bitcoin at will?

They've suceeded in chasing the majority of regular people out of crypto, while fleecing them along the way. Welcome to business as usual! What we need to pay attention to is to the developments on the future of Mt. Gox will be rebuilt and go back to business. Bitcoin whale manipulation cryptocurrency news crypto btc xrp ripple litecoin ethereumcardano they go for athe remaining bitcoin will be needed to jump-start the company once again.

However, if they go for b get ready to see a massive 1. Your email address will not be published. Skip to content Home Bitcoin Bitcoin. So the price of Bitcoin is manipulated.

What else is new? Gox guy needs to go to jail. You are really on top of the news! Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.

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