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Links to sources featured in the video below: New money with more gains games and manipulations. Wait for the dip, then the run up down up to the end of the year and beyond. Great gains and surprises in alt coin market ranking. Thanks Louis, very very nice to see some green. Would be very keen to find out why it jumped so much so quickly.

Agree with your whale theory! The injection happened within an hour. It's either a coordinated pump or a whale raising sentiments so he can dump soon. A normal market growth would ideally occur over an extended period of time, not this sudden spike. Crypto world is a wild horse that nobody can predict how it's going to behave. I learned over the years that any predictions as to where its going is as good as a psychic reading.

Someone had mentioned an article about Bitcoin being declared 'okay' halal? I doubt Sheikh Imran Hosein would agree, but anyway. Im over here planning my trip to the moon and my girl is being all critical and negative. I told her thats it, she aint riding in my Lambo. Louis, your vids are such blessings for us, so informative. Thanks for all your research and sharing the info with us on a daily basis mate.

I look forward to your vids more than anything else online. Hey Louis — loads of bitcoin shorts got liquidated yesterday which meant a ton of bitcoin were bought on the market after the trades failed.

Shorts had reached an all time high on bitfinex, someone with a lot of BTC made a killing by pushing the market up and liquidating all those trades. Leave a Reply Cancel reply.