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Add arbitrary data to your django users. Online status for authenticated users online, idle, offline and list of current users online, all to display with templatetags. No database models, everything cached. Easily configurable, chart dashboards from any arbitrary API endpoint. Convert a torrent infohash or magnet URI to a. You can read moacon modules Modbus communication - cubloc. Ideal for no-hassle storage of some metadata and some large data that doesn't fit nicely into things like JSON which becomes really hard to edit in a text editor if there's a 2 MB blob of numbers somewhere in it.

A wrapper around Python's readline module which makes it easy to have an arbitrary number of 'inputs', each with its own history. This module offers an easy way to define named constants in Python, supporting some simple enum-like use case, as well as arbitrary value types like dogecoin wallet location of lymph or floats.

OpticalRS is a Python implementation of optical remote sensing methods for mapping of submerged habitats. John Hoffman's fork of the original bittorrent, we do some modify and use it as torrent download library. A Python module for generating string representations of integers and bytestrings with dogecoin wallet location of lymph base and alphabet. Coloured Bloom Graphs - Low memory multicolour de Bruijn graphs for indexing large collections of genomes. The easiest way to integrate Bitcoin, Dogecoin and Litecoin in your applications.

Sign up at Block. CachingProxy magically records usage of arbitrary objects and allows you to replay the same behavior later with serializable representation that can be stored on disk. To Do - [x] public api - [x] trading api - [ ] merchant api I am currently unsure what the merchant API looks like, or how much use it would be supporting it here. This library should be pushed to PyPi very soon. The user object is created with the token and secret: Crypto currencies stocks dogecoin wallet location of lymph is Python package for communication with stocks which are traiding with crypto currencies.

Documentation is placed http: Adds a plaintext plugin for django-cms. Find all dates, times, emails, phone numbers, links, emails, ip addresses, prices, bitcoin address, and street addresses in a string. Allows arbitrary python objects to be stored in CouchDB, while keeping the resulting CouchDB document as "natural" as possible. An implemention of the Comet Session protocol specification for twisted: An implemention of the Comet Session protocol specification for eventlet: Quantifier of universal similarity amongst arbitrary data streams without a priori knowledge, features, or training.

Ajax-based model listing for Django. Supports pagination, sorting and filtering. Django template loader that allows you to load and override a template from a specific Django application. Django-hgwebproxy is an app to use and manage mercurial repositories within the django admin interface. I took code from http: I have created an easy to use app, and modernized layout a little bit.

This allows the clients update parts of the pages, dogecoin wallet location of lymph is useful for Ajax apps and sites using Dogecoin wallet location of lymph. The example Django project in the BitBucket contains a working JavaScript module that handles these requests and does something more. Long non-incremental IDs for public links. Essentially a compact form of UUID 22 bytes for bit value. PloneFormGen adapter allowing for creation of arbitrary Salesforce.

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Redid media distribituion network tools. Redid provides a media distribution network offering dynamic media transformations and signed resource access. The rencode module is similar to bencode from the BitTorrent project.

For complex, heterogeneous data structures with many small elements, r-encodings take up significantly less space than b-encodings. This version of rencode is a complete rewrite in Cython to attempt to increase the performance over the pure Python module written by Petru Paler, Connelly Barnes et al.

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