Beware the Verge (XVG) FUD
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Dogecoin is a scam perpetrated upon the naive public by a group of otherwise anonymous fuckwits - the sort that have never done anything useful in their lives so far and will not be doing anything useful ever. Marketeers, "creators" of pointless web 2.
The scum of this Earth. Their value proposition is easily explained and straightforwardly understood iii: For a month or three or however long it may last, these pathetic clones, fakes and ersatzes could like Especially if the sun shines just right. At least dogecoin worthless coins the first rain, if you don't look too carefully, Jackson Palmer is like an entrepreneur and everything.
So they got a little money together, marshalled all their friends and on the basis dogecoin worthless coins mostly hollow promises constructed a whole empire of papier mache!
Everyone really needs quarter cents. It makes a difference, seriously, those three dogecoin tips you got for the ninety-three hours you spent on reddit instead of doing your homework this month rrrrreally made a difference in your life. That and five bucks buys you a cup of coffee.
Make sure you bring paper money for dogecoin worthless coins tips there, tho. That pretty much settles the "why Kevin Rose is a fuckwit" part of the discussion. It's one thing to be a shill, a scammer, an asshole. These people use their heads.
It's another thing to be a Kevin Rose. No brains, and it shows: The part about Dogecoin being a scam is not simply it being a fraud, which is to say making patently false claims iv.
Doge is a scam because they actually used the reality behind those claims in such a way as to extract value out dogecoin worthless coins those foolish enough to have believed the claims rather than examine the reality. In short, about an hour after I announced I'm attacking themthey To better understand that move, think of its direct and exact equivalent: But wait, there's more: Every silly kid so deprived of human contact in his concrete jail that three subcent tips from calculating, exploitative bastards count to him as dogecoin worthless coins top of his day and the pinnacle of human warmth and contact he's experienced so far, every halfwit spending his hard-earned government dole to be "part of something", every miner looking for a shortcut into the fortress, everyone with something to give.
That's not even half of it, not even the tenth of it. The real play there is that they've instituted this principle going forward. Whenever the team of assholes pushing Doge decides they've swallowed enough free work and effort from idiots, they can just issue a further dogecoin worthless coins of fiat "coins" and that's that.
Ready to get more. And again, and again and again. Does this sound exactly like a certain penny stock trick? Well, it should, because that is exactly what it is: That's why Doge is a scam, and that's why the people behind it are assholes: Maybe they think they're pretty smart, maybe they think they're actually so smart nobody is catching on.
They could be that stupid, sure. There's however no intelligence required to be an asshole. All that's required is to apply age old, well known, well documented connery. And that's exactly what they're doing. Because the update from Dogecoin's creators causing the temporary price drop will ultimately ensure its longevity going forward. In a message on Github this weekend, Sydney-based co-creator Jackson Palmer announced the amount of Dogecoin would not be fixed, meaning it's possible for an infinite amount of Dogecoin to be created.
This was first spotted by Ars Technica's Cyrus Favriar. Every new "block" of Dogecoin that gets mined will yield 10, units dogecoin worthless coins the currency. This is close to how a normal fiat currency like the U. Like the greenback, Dogecoin will now better be able to respond to increasing demand, as well as potential damages like those outlined by Palmer.
It also gives incentives for miners to keep dogecoin worthless coins, thus helping keep the network more secure — as in Bitcoin, "mining" Dogecoin also dogecoin worthless coins to confirm the transactions taking place on the digital currency's master exchange ledger. You read it here first! Paying X for an arbitrary unit is too much! Paying less for some other arbitrary unit is just fine!
Like, if you have to go from London to New York, right? You should buy a five quid ticket to the London subway instead. So what if the London subway never ever ever ends in New York?
You dogecoin worthless coins know that. The ticket is good for as long as you stay in the tubes, and who knows? Maybe eventually, if you keep riding you might end up in New York, or even in Boston! And in any case, just five quid for a ticket is cheapisn't it?
The "problems Bitcoin faces". Like you know, the imaginary problem of "deflation", as if Bicoin was in fact deflationary. As if the dollar dogecoin worthless coins in fact survive the problems its inflationary nature bestows upon the economy. This is what passes for business insiderness now. They're that stupid, these people.
How can you be so fucking stupid, people? Obviously, Rob Wile didn't just write that article. He has a cent or two of meanwhile worthless Doge coins to show for it - and obviously he can get more. After all inflation doesn't hit everyone equally. It just hits the chumps, which is great, because that way the government can keep the leeches always a little bit hungry.
Which is exactly what's happening here: Because that's exactly what's going on here, you're looking at an attempt to create a fiat out of crypto. It is a doomed attempt, not only because Dogecoin worthless coins say it's doomed. It's first and foremost a doomed attempt because it has no market - the people who dogecoin worthless coins in crypto for crypto understand this, and if they actually want an alternative to Bitcoin they'll pick an actual alternative - much in the way the people who are in the market for an alternative to Ford will pick another car.
Sure, people who can't actually afford cars, the kids, the unemployed, the unemployable will happily drone about how their going fifty miles through the sleet on a bike is saving the environment. That's fine and nobody cares, they who can't afford the grapes are entitled to invent any story about the sourness of grapes they feel best comforted by. So whatcha got there, Doge? A disgusting scam covered under a lot of pointless meme crap? There's a reason dogecoin worthless coins can't buy shit wrapped in tin foil in Central Park.
That reason isn't the foil not dogecoin worthless coins shiny. That reason is the shit stinking. Ah, and as to the dancing for dogecoin worthless coins part? Understand or not understand this, pretend like it happens or pretend like it doesn't happen, I keep track.
You promote a scam? I record your name, I record your social network, I record everything about you. Five years from now you will still need a job. You will not be able to get one. Ten years from now you will still need a social circle. You will dogecoin worthless coins be able to find one. I keep track, and I will haunt you for the rest of your days.
That's just what I do. And more generally, a notice to all the scumbags circling BTC: Pack it and move. This is your only warning, and quite frankly I have no ideea why warnings are even necessary. Bitcoin is not for idiots. The "bad" news, of course, is that the scammers have, like anyone else, a burn rate.
Time is ticking away, there's not so much left of it at all. On the other side of the isle, the consumer of this paltry entertainment: The dogecoin worthless coins took this money, dumped it on yahoo in exchange for headdress extensions, because like all faggot groups ever they had these weird epeen contests going the exact psychology of this is too lengthy a topic to bother with here and already well dogecoin worthless coins other places anyway.
This generated surging financial results for yahoo, supporting to the supperficial eye the shockingly stupid dogecoin worthless coins that headdress competitions are an actual economical activity. That'd be your Dogecoin worthless coins circuit: They claim this is because "they have to work", but in fact it's because a they're afraid of their dogecoin worthless coins children and b their actual children hate and despise them, in no particular order. This in turn because they've failed to live, as an actual act in this world, and impose their existence upon those children, so dogecoin worthless coins everyone may be happy.
In the case of the children that frustration is resolved through untold stupidityand in the case of the parents that frustration is resolved through gathering circlejerks of circus performers and enjoying roughly the equivalent of a bunga-bunga dance. Except not with seventeen year old girls but with twenty-something year old boys ; not nude but wearing the usual gap crap and not in a pool but in a conference room.
This is the extent of the differences, otherwise there's absolutely nothing fundamental separating dogecoin worthless coins Web "entrepreneur" doing a "pitch" for "investors" from the Vegas call girl dancing in dogecoin worthless coins cake and then sucking cock in the dogecoin worthless coins room.