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The impact of global warming is being felt worldwide. By now all of us would have seen footage of polar ice melting and falling into the sea. It may earthcoin blockchain explorer bad at first, but when you realize that this is causing the sea level to rise which puts coastal cities under the risk of floods, that footage turns terrifying. Perhaps the biggest impact of earthcoin blockchain explorer warming will be felt by coastal communities. If the rise in sea level continues several cities and large swaths of land will be submerged under earthcoin blockchain explorer see in the coming decades.

Some parts of earthcoin blockchain explorer world like Bangladesh are already being affected by global warming. The frequency and intensity of floods in Bangladesh has increased and the people living close to the coast have to earthcoin blockchain explorer.

For a country where most people are dependent on fishing these floods are devastating to their livelihood. This puts millions of lives at risk. If you study the global news you earthcoin blockchain explorer find that occurrence floods have dramatically increases especially in coastal areas. Regions that experienced one or two droughts in decades are now facing one in almost every two years.

We can see increasing cases of heat waves. It is expected that heat waves will become more frequent if the climate change is not checked. This will have serious implications on our health. Higher temperatures will lead to more air pollution further increasing the risk to public health. Here is Bill Nye explaining the impact of climate change. According earthcoin blockchain explorer scientific data the destructive power of hurricanes have been growing since the 70s.

We now have to face more hurricanes per decade and each one is more destructive. The rise in sea temperature adds fuel to hurricanes by providing it greater energy. More structures and people are under threat of hurricanes now than they were any time in the history. The increase in global temperature leads to dryer forest. Dry and hot climate creates perfect conditions for wildfires to ignite. Since most of the forest is dry too the wildfires are getting bigger and bigger every season.

The cost of fighting wildfire to protect life and property are also increasing. The Earth will be there, even if we are not in it. Other web pages we like: Click here for more info on how to rank your legal website in Google, Fashion Blogger — fashionandfrills.

Are you worried about the current state of the earth? Do you want to do whatever it takes to save it? With news about endangered animals, global warming, drying lakes all over, the welfare of the earth is a cause of concern to many people. Despite the fact that it is hard to make earthcoin blockchain explorer huge impact alone, you can always do something.

Below are some personal habits you and your friends can adopt to make the earth a better place. Chemical use is doing a lot of damage to aquatic life and waterways. These chemicals are not good to humanity either. You can adopt several behaviors that help cut back on these chemicals. For example, you can learn to use household cleaning items with less toxic chemicals.

If you have to use a product with chemicals, choose the least toxic one. Keep in mind that it is the little things you do that will help save the earth. Every time you turn off a running tap when not using it, earthcoin blockchain explorer are doing something great.

Water conservation is even more important if you live in an area with water shortages. Examples of how you can conserve water are repairing leaking pipes and replacing old toilets that consume much water with ones that conserve water. Some hosts of chemicals such as motor oil should not be disposed directly into the ecosystem.

In one way or another, they will end up in the ground water. Do a good research on the best way to earthcoin blockchain explorer toxic waste in the area you live.

Learn to walk or ride a bicycle to places that you can. It helps reduce greenhouse gases and improve your health. If you have to drive, make sure you maintain your vehicle. It will help reduce harmful emissions. It is one thing to want something and another thing to play the part. Identify groups that want to save the earth as earthcoin blockchain explorer do and join them. This way, you will be able to have a earthcoin blockchain explorer impact than doing it alone.

Educate others, plant trees; speak up against factories polluting the environment and such things. There are many endangered species and it is our duty to protect earthcoin blockchain explorer. If you notice an activity that is harmful to animals, you should report it earthcoin blockchain explorer the authority. You can also join animal rights groups that help protect animals. Blog Posts Impact of Global Warming.

In Climate Change Tags causes of climate change earthcoin blockchain explorer, climate changeeffects of climate change March 7, Views Leave a comment earthguy. We are already feeling the impact of global warming: Rising sea level Perhaps the biggest impact of global warming will be felt by coastal communities.

Devastating Hurricanes According to scientific data the destructive power of hurricanes have been growing since the 70s. Longer wildfires The increase in global temperature leads to dryer forest. In Fighting Climate Change Tags climate changereduce your carbon footprintsave the planet March 3, 31 Views Leave a comment earthguy.

Use fewer chemicals Chemical use is doing a lot of damage to aquatic life and waterways. Learn to conserve water Keep in mind that it is the little things you do that will help save the earth. Learn to dispose toxic waste in the right manner Some hosts of chemicals such as motor oil should not be disposed directly into the ecosystem.

Drive less often Learn to walk or ride a bicycle to places that you can. Become a pollution activist It is one thing to want something and another thing to play the part. Protect animals There are many endangered species and it is our earthcoin blockchain explorer to protect them.

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