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Ahhh, what a fine day for magazine news! The list of franchises this time around includes: Man why are they doing this. A handful of awesome series are debuting here such as Rebuild of Evangelion, but why have them debut on a DS title?
Talk about a major disappointment. Everyone was hoping the rumors would turn out false, but here comes the worst case scenario of them being true. Cheaper to make faster to churn out. Banpresto develops these games still. I was kinda unimpressed with A. I dont think theyre given enough production money for the budget.
I actually hoped the news to be true from the start. If the 2chan rumor stays true, then the next game will be OG3 on PS3. From the current Famistu scans, even the story is similar to K. I think the producer may be different so I am pretending they are just trying to redeem themselves after K.
Kinda excited to see Linebarrels, but they should have kept GxS. So that we could see more facial deformation. And count me in as another who would love to have Gun x Sword again. Especially if they let me rescue the two idiots again. I am actually looking forward to this, Linebarrels of Iron will be interesting, so will Evangelion. Wing, I actually prefer standard over Endless Waltz too. Overkill on returning series? Six debuts, eleven returns. W had twelve returns and six debuts. K had eight returns and five debuts.
Z, the game with the most debuting shows, had thirteen returns and nine debuts. Which one was Vardant again? The blue mecha with badass swords, piloted by Reiji Moritsugu. Oh, yes, I remember now. Seriously though, the only good thing I remember about Linebarrel PSP is the amount of voiceacting, since pretty much every segment seemed to be voiced.
Still, this is disappointing. Graphical progression and what-not. Neo Getter thanks for reminding me. OG to D kinda confused me at first since D felt like a step back appearance-wise until you actually play it and see what it had to offer.
As for the THIS game… not really impressed by the roster no. Mazinkaiser is always awesome and since both seasons of Godanner are in I hope we see more of the other characters. Maybe its the continued omission of Getter in general that bugs me.
If the roster leaves you shaky maybe some cool originals and their mechs will settle you over as I always say. Just interested to see what you want instead. Same goes for Frontier. Originals, well, fingers crossed on quality. And yeah, more Getter Armageddon all around would be awesome in my book. Would be cool to choose between heroes and mech paths again too. W may re-use sprites from J, but at least the story and choice of series are excellent.
K may have a lot of new series, but it felt like a rushed job. And you are telling me L is K-ish? Please, only put it in once all the movies are completed and out. Endless Waltz — Re-hash from W. At least throw in Daimos and mingle the plot. I could even wish for Daltanius to be added together in a meaningful way. How lazy can the team get??? I like the sound of this.
Only one complaint about the roster: Eva and MacF in the same game? Man but I wish these could make it over. Whoops that was just me implying that I dislike the returns. I want one to, but one with sprites. There were six games on the GBA. I wonder if people raged when R was announced? What sort of roster would it take to impress you? Video game stories from other sites on the web.
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