Download Microsoft Exchange Server User Monitor from Official Microsoft Download Center

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With this tool, administrators can gather real-time data that helps them better understand current client usage patterns and plan for future use. ExMon enables administrators to view and analyze how individual users affect the health and performance of an Exchange server, including CPU usage and network traffic. It also enables administrators to view and analyze how those individual users' experience is affected by the server.

Note that ExMon does not report all information about server health or user experience. ExMon provides an overview of individual users' behavior only. Use it with other procedures and tools that are recommended by Microsoft. You can collect exchange server user monitor exmon tool that is relevant to the Exchange server on which ExMon is installed.

To view data, you do not need to install ExMon on an Exchange server. Double-click the Exmon Windows Installer package and follow the installation steps. Collecting data directly with ExMon exchange server user monitor exmon tool the simplest method for short-term data collection. ExMon collects data in user-configurable intervals and displays that data after collection.

Collecting data directly with ExMon is most useful for quick spot checks of a server, not for large-scale or long-interval data collection. For large-scale or long-interval data collection, use the data collection methods that are described in the next sections.

ExMon starts collecting data immediately in one-minute intervals and displays collected data at the end of the data interval. To stop data collection, click Fileand then click Stop. Or, click Stop Tracing on the toolbar. To resume data collection, click Fileand then click Start. Or click Start Tracing exchange server user monitor exmon tool the toolbar.

By using the Update Interval min control on the toolbar, pick a tracing interval between one and 30 minutes.

To create traces longer than 30 minutes, chose a different collection mode. Collecting exchange server user monitor exmon tool by using System Monitor is the preferred method of data collection.

Collecting data by using System Monitor enables exchange server user monitor exmon tool scheduled collection of ExMon data in a familiar interface.

System Monitor enables scheduling data collection on a daily or weekly basis. To start System Monitor, click Startclick Runand then type perfmon.

Select New Log Settings. You also must provide a password by clicking Set Password. Set other options, such as schedule and logging directory. For help in configuring these options, see System Monitor Help. Data collection will start according to the scheduling options that you have selected.

Advanced users can customize and script ExMon data collection by typing commands at a command prompt. Click Startclick Runand then type cmd to open a Command Prompt window. At the command prompt, type tracelog. Data collection will start immediately.

In Windows Server and Windows Server installations, you can use the Logman tool to enable tracing. To perform this procedure, run the following command, and modify the destination path as appropriate for your environment:. The By User view aggregates data about individual users' consumption of server resources.

Each row in the view contains data about one user, whether that user has only one computer or is accessing Exchange Server from multiple computers. The following table shows the types of data that are displayed in the By User view. The count of operations in RPC packets.

Frequently, Exchange Server assembles operations together to reduce network overhead. The sum of processing time consumed and reported in milliseconds. The maximum time that Exchange Server spends processing, retrieving data from disk, and communicating with Active Directory global catalogs and domain controllers.

Sum of Exchange-related data that the server receives after compression. Sum of Exchange-related data that the server sends to the client after compression. A list of all distinct versions of MAPI clients that are used. The By Version view aggregates data about the client version. This view is useful to evaluate the overall load that is generated by the various versions of MAPI clients.

The following table shows the types of data that are displayed in the By Version view. The count of operations that is contained in RPC packets. Generally, Exchange Server assembles operations together to reduce network overhead. Sum of processing time consumed and reported in milliseconds. The average amount of time that Exchange Server spends processing, retrieving data from disk, and communicating with the Active Directory global catalogs and domain controllers.

The maximum time Exchange Server that spends processing, retrieving data from disk, and communicating with Active Exchange server user monitor exmon tool global catalogs and domain controllers. The following table shows the types of data that are displayed in the By Exchange server user monitor exmon tool view. This time includes all network transit, queuing, exchange server user monitor exmon tool processing time.

This does not include all possible scenarios that could cause Outlook to stop responding. If a user's Cached Exchange Mode session count is less than the session count, the user is running multiple computers or is using Cached Exchange Mode and classic online access at the same time. The list exchange server user monitor exmon tool distinct names of processes that the user uses to access Exchange Server.

Outlook is reported as Outlook. Third-party applications might also be listed here. An example of another application might be wcesmgr. ActiveSync provides synchronization to some mobile devices. ExMon supports the export of data from all data views.

It exports the data to comma-separated text files. At the command prompt, type exmon. Several factors, such as time of day, usage patterns, server load, server configuration, and server load, can cause variations in the data that is collected and displayed in ExMon. An administrator can best understand any data by comparing it with baseline data that is collected during normal operations.

The following sections describe the data that is displayed in some of the data columns and how that data reflects some of the underlying factors that could influence the overall results. To successfully work with the ExMon data, you must have a clear understanding of your Exchange deployment. Some operations require more processing than others. For example, sophisticated searches and large data exports require more processing time than viewing of a single mail item.

CPU time exchange server user monitor exmon tool reported in milliseconds of processing time, which depends on the server hardware. For example, one millisecond of processing time on a MHz processor is equal to approximately two milliseconds of processing time on a MHz processor. The data displayed in the server latency columns documents the time that is required to process user requests.

ExMon enables you to view this data for individual users. Individual users' server latencies can vary widely from the average. You can obtain more accurate results by gathering long traces over more than 30 minutes or even over several hours. The data displayed in the Avg. Client Latency ms column is a superset of the CPU time and the server latency. Client latency includes not only server latency, but also any network delay that is caused by issues with the network, packet retransmission, and network bandwidth.

For users who use Outlook without Cached Exchange Mode, high client latency times directly affect how frequently Outlook is unresponsive.

ExMon reports client latency for each request, while Outlook may require multiple requests to complete an operation. This means that the client latency reported by ExMon provides a lower bound to the responsiveness that users may experience.

Foreground client latency is a measure of specific types of Outlook requests. These specific types exchange server user monitor exmon tool operations that are not in the background. For example, updating rules, browsing public folders, and delegate access are not optimized to use background communication. Foreground Client Latency ms data informs administrators about operations that cause client unresponsiveness.

To understand the overall effect on the user, make sure that you compare the approximate percentage of foreground packets to all packets. The network bytes columns document the amount of data and control codes that are sent to and from Exchange Server.

The amount exchange server user monitor exmon tool network traffic depends heavily on the usage profile.

Also, the number and size of attachments and the time of day affects the amount of network traffic. To more accurately measure network usage, use longer monitoring periods. File size depends on the Exchange exchange server user monitor exmon tool load.

Tracing time depends on user activity and how you want to use the data. For good averages across all users, it is recommended that you collect data for at least 30 minutes during a period of expected user activity.

Some client monitoring data is collected only at certain intervals. Therefore, exchange server user monitor exmon tool data for longer may increase the probability of more complete data.

When you troubleshoot individual users and problems, traces of one to five minutes are generally sufficient. ExMon can be run with any language that is supported by Exchange Server and any language that is supported by Windows.

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