Wii-NunChuck Controlled Mindstorms NXT Soccer Robot

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The first thing we want our robot to do is lego nxt soccer robot be able to stay inside the Soccer Field; click here. To stay on the Soccer field our Robot must avoid the Soccer field's white borders.

How can lego nxt soccer robot teach our robot to know when it sees white? The highest reading inside my Soccer field is 60, obtained in the "light green" part of the Soccer field. To be able to tell my Robot how to see the difference between the lego nxt soccer robot green and white parts of the Soccer mat, I could use a value: However a light sensor reading greater than 63 would mean that the robot is outside the Soccer field, and that is a problem we must fix.

If your robot has the light sensor plugged in to a different socket, you will have to change this code. If a robot Soccer player that has gone over the edge of the green and black playing field into the white surround, the code above will cause the Robot to retreat backwards on to the Soccer field.

It works like this: The command above will tell motors A and C start to go backwards, lego nxt soccer robot the Robot back towards the playing field. I have used power However a greater power could be lego nxt soccer robot when testing is complete.

The circled loop above will allow motors A and C to continue running backwards sending the Robot backwards until the Robot is back in the Soccer field. The code lego nxt soccer robot is quite sufficient to tell our Soccer Robot to go back to the mat. They will continue running after leaving the loop. This may confuse us when this code is inserted in to our Soccer program. It is important to test that this code works, before using it as part of a bigger Soccer program.

To do this we download this program into our Soccer Robot, and run it. When placed on your Robot Soccer mat, the robot should do nothing if placed inside the playing field, but should retreat backwards if placed anywhere on the white border surrounding the Soccer playing field. This video demonstrates this. If your robot goes backwards into the Soccer field when placed on white, and does nothing when placed in other parts of the Soccer fieldyour code snippet has been tested and proven reliable.

It can now be used as part of a Soccer playing program. When everything is good, go on to the next step where we can find out how our Soccer Robot finds the ball! Soccer Tactics 1 - Stay on the Soccer Field! Lego nxt soccer robot readings will we use to tell our robot that it has left the Soccer field? How could we tell the Robot to fix this problem?? Let us look at the following code. If your robot does not behave this way, they are several possible reasons.

Has the light changed? This could cause the light sensor reading taken from the Soccer mat to be no longer relevant. Is your light sensor securely mounted on your robot? The difference between the "white" reading of 65 and the "light green" reading of 60 is quite small. If the light sensor on your robot bounces up and down as your robot moves, the light readings will change. It the light readings change by more than 2 or 3, your Robot may be confused and lego nxt soccer robot be able find the edge of the Soccer field.

It is important that the light sensors are firmly fixed on your robot and that they do not bounce up and down as your robot moves. Check your light sensor mounting. Have you understood the steps above? Carefully check each of the steps above to see if you have understood the code and that your program is similar to the code above.

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The discussion on this web page is about using the HiTechnic sensor. HiTechnic offers a "Football Kit" that includes a ball, seeker V2 and compass sensor; click here to see the reduced price. If sensor is mounted on a robot with the sensor's mounting holes below the sensor, the direction numbers are as shown in the diagram below: This will be the same if the sensor is mounted "upside down", "right way up", or "sideways".

The circled command above will make motor C go backwards. Note that my HiTechnic Seeker V2 sensor is plugged into computer brick socket 2. If your robot has your seeker sensor plugged in to a different socket, you will have to change this code. The program above brings the HiTechnic Seeker V2 sensor into our program. In the code above, we have added a mathematics block. We have changed the sensor's command block to detect when the direction number "Equals 5". Note that we have connected the two blocks by a yellow wire.

This allows the direction number to go from the Seeker block through the yellow wire to the Mathematics block. If you forget to do this, the program will refuse to work!

To do this we need a loop. In the code above, the mathematics block is connected to the loop with a green wire. This code will allow your robot to leave the loop and obey the next command following the loop. We haven't put that next command in yet, but will soon. There are lots of things we can tell our robot to do after it finds the ball. However, just so we can test that our code works, let us tell our robot to go forward one rotation each time the ball is seen.

The code above causes motors A and C to turn one rotation, causing the robot to go a short way forwards. The loop in the code above causes the whole code to keep repeating forever, or until we turn our robot off. This complete program causes the Robot to keep finding the Soccer ball, and following it - which is what we wanted.

Download this program to your robot, and test it to see that your robot does what you want it to do. If there are problems, carefully check the diagrams above to make sure you have understood the method we have outlined above. When everything is good, go on to the next step to find out how to tell your robot which is your opponent's goal!

Soccer Tactics 2 - Find the Ball! The second thing we want our robot to do is to find the ball. The circled command above will make motor A go forwards.