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Within normal variation… Talking about leaving. Why are you still around? Im still here to show to new users the true about LTC. Here you can see, this OP is full of hate, lies, and deceit. So wrong, so often. If you get better at trolling, we might be able to get you a hot steamy date with Kellyanne Conway.
Only my predictions for ltc price safed the money of the people, who planned to buy ltc, but stopped because of seen predictions. But people who listen to the trolls, such you, have lost their money. See, facts are a huge problem for you. The USD price of litecoin is actually up since your troll predictions, not down. The only reason you even hang around here is to try to troll a few more LTC owners into selling some coins, and they laugh at your failures. I did not made ltcusd predictions.
Haha, ltc owners laugh? And you know this. So, troll, go out from my topic. May I remind you that diff was only 6 months ago? So hashrate almost doubled in 6 months time!! There are not many coins to which that happend. I agree to the repliers here, stop trolling check your numbers first in a wider view.
So most miners with scrypt hardware will stay in LTC. He has nothing better to do besides come to a forum where people make a nice profit every day mining LTC and try to scare people away from free money?
Or that it ran off to mine Cagecoin forever? You are so clueless on this stuff OP. Reading numbers is so hard. Looks like ltc holders are stupid clouns! OP is so wrong, so often. Something wrong with your numbers, cloun. Litecoin difficulty dropping so strong ddr That would make you, um, flat out wrong.
You are the Donald J. Trump of cryptocurrency news. Mar 07 89, Where are you, trolls? And the hash begins to return: Are you all out of great wrong data OP? Here is a current snapshot. Have fun talking to yourself.